
  1. mark2

    A couple new places to sit in the yard

    Had to do something with the remains of the oak and cherry tree that fell in the spring storms. The rustic oak bench was built using mortise and tenon with wedged dowels - no glue (except a bit to hold the bowtie where my tenon was a bit tight and split the wood) or hardware and is...
  2. J

    City of Raleigh Yard Waste Facility

    If you need compost, well aged leaves (for mulch), or shreded wood mulch, then you owe it to yourself to check out the City of Raleigh Yard Waste Facility. They are located off New Hope Road between New Bern Ave and highway 64/264 east of Raleigh. It's about a mile and a half north of Poole Road...
  3. AudreyO

    Cabinet Shop Yard Sale TODAY In Wilmington

    My mom just called and said that there is a cabinet shop closing on 3rd and Greenfield (downtown Wilmington). She said they had lots of nice equipment wood etc. Just passing it along.
  4. tjgreen

    small yard sale gloat

    Wasn't able to get to the Liberty Antiques festival, but I did pass a yard sale on Saturday on my way to Hillsborough. Not a whole lot of great stuff, but I did find some useful items - a brass screwdriver with a mini screwdriver in the back, a North bros (post-Stanley) Yankee screwdriver in...
  5. timf67

    Any Sawyers for a yard tree?

    My next door neighbor has a ~45 year old silver maple in his front yard that he wants to take down (before it takes his house down!:eek:) Anyway, it is ~32" diameter at about 4' from the ground. It needs to come down because there is a crotch about 10' up that has a hollow with squirrels...
  6. Reindeers_and_Ava_with_Legos_008


  7. CarvedTones

    ornamental cherry from a neighbor's yard

  8. Travis Porter

    Yard Sale

    I am thinking of organizing a Raleigh area NCWW yard sale where maybe a portion of the proceeds go to NCWW. This was discussed awhile back, but seems to have fallen off. I have some tools and such along with a bunch of other stuff (household items) et all to sell in my garage and house. It...
  9. dino drosas

    Mortise Chisel Set - yard sale find ???

    I recently found this set of Bracht (made in Germany) chisels. They are metric sized; 6, 8, 10 and 12mm, a bit rusty and appear to have never been used. Question is: how should you sharpen them? If you lay the bevels on a wheel you get a pretty deep hollow grind since the bevels are so long...
  10. S

    deer have invaded my yard!

  11. TracyP

    Who's Going To The Yard Sale?

    Who is going to attend the yard sale tomorrow at Steve Hooper's Place in Salisbury? I think we need a good turnout of ncww members. http://www.ncwoodworker.net/forums/f23/going-happen-16073-new/
  12. ScottM

    One NCWW member scored a gloat at the yard sale.

    Well I did not hear any gloating after the tool yard sale well one NCWW member found a deal he could not pass up. Lucky I was the first to see this. It is a sand flea. It is like a small drum sander. It has a 18" roller. It won't take the place of a drum sander but for me and my small...
  13. J

    Woodworkers Yard Sale

    Found on Ral/CL for 4/5. Many shops having one sale. Travis, you might have to change the date on your by-line:lol:. http://www.finewoodworkers.com/yardsale.html
  14. Will Goodwin

    Yard art - Reindeer

    This past weekend, I started my Reindeer project. I spent Saturday shopping for materials. I rented the truck at the BORG in Garner and learned that I didn't know anything about plywood. Now I know a bit more. I purchased materials for the Reindeer, the Sleigh and a bookcase project (some...
  15. J

    Tool Yard Sale 8/25

    For anyone interested, I found this on craigslist. http://raleigh.craigslist.org/tls/402765176.html Jimmy
  16. The WoodButcher

    Log Yard Shuffle

    Hi All, it's been awhile. I have come up with a rather primitive form of moving logs, short distance's. It's the way the poor man shuffles logs around the yard. Check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEYBER6vgb4
  17. J

    Log yard Pics

    The orange saw mill is mine, there's a lot there for my WM to chew on and there's lots of nice BW logs in the pile just to the left of my mill. Shown in pics P3243028, P3243029 and P3243031 page 2 :icon_thum http://www.ncwoodworker.net/pp/showgallery.php?cat=882&ppuser=0 Thanks for looking...
  18. gator

    Granville County Yard Sale Saturday

    For those in Person, Vance, Durham counties. Disclaimer: I don't know the people and have not seen the tools. This was the yard sale ad in the the local paper for a yard sale Saturday: August 5, 7-3 Tractor and equipment - Massey, Harris Pacer. Jointer and Planer, router w/table, 12"...
  19. Dullblade

    Yard Sale Find...

    I found this in a box of other tools at a yard sale this morning. It says Stanley on the blade and Bailey, N0.4 on the front under the knob. The finish is rough on the wood but no cracks and the metal has surface rust. Blade very sharp, draws blood. I bought the whole box for $3.00 and it...

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