Posting Policy
The goal of is to provide a welcoming atmosphere that fosters a unique sense of community for any North Carolina woodworker who wishes to participate or lurk. The main aspects to meeting these goals are:
- Guests and members surfing our site should feel that they are welcome and that participating in our site is a worthwhile and pleasant experience. We strive to maintain a polite and helpful tone in our posts, replies, and questions.
- We seek to ensure that guests and all members of their families are comfortable viewing site content. Every effort is made to monitor User names, avatars, signatures, biographies, and posts in pursuit of that goal.
- Members may post threads, comments, replies, questions, and make suggestions without fear of abuse from other members or staff.
- We wish to create an atmosphere that fosters attitudes about other members that are conducive to a desire to meet others in person and help each other both on the site and in person.
Private Messages and Email are considered to be private and NOT subject to moderation. However, if the recipient of a PM or email complains about the content and allows the staff to view the subject communication(s), the Webmaster may take action at their discretion and suspend and/or eliminate the use of those communications by the offending sender.
General Guidelines
- Any topic that may cause heated debate or hostility between members or violates that “spirit” is to be forbidden.
- The following will almost always be considered to be in violation of the our goals
- Expressions of bigotry and intolerance, including negative comments or direct attacks based on race, religion, sex, or sexual preference.
- "Code words", phrases, or other content that attempt to disguise expressions of bigotry and intolerance
- Personal attacks by name or implication
- Harsh or offensive comments
- Argumentative behavior
- Profane, Vulgar, or Obscene Language or any representation of such language.
- Political content.
- Religious content.
- Controversial topics of any form except, of course, woodworking.
- Sexual content or innuendo, no matter how mild
- Illegal activities of any sort
- Posted links to prohibited material.
- Political and/or legal issues.
- Copyrighted materials (no sharing of protected digital files)
- Members are not allowed to advertise for personal gain or push links to external sites where members have a vested interest.
- Members will be allowed to provide a url in their signature/tagline.
- Members can become advertisers (gain the permission to promote external links for vested interests) by paying the current advertising rates.
- Members who advertise without becoming an advertiser will have their posts deleted. Repeat offenders will be warned. After 3 warnings, the members account will be suspended/deleted. After the suspension period, if the behavior continues, the member will be marked as a spammer, with no future presence on the site.
- Our primary method of achieving the above goals is prevention. The staff, webmaster(s), administrators, and moderators are tasked with dealing with implicit and explicit violations of site policy and recognizing content with the potential to become disruptive to the site. Immediate corrective action will be taken in these instances.
- The moderating staff will almost always assume that violations are not intentional, that people just did not realize that potential impact of a statement(s). However, when some violations are clearly intended to disrupt or test the staff and a pattern of this type is recognized as started by the same person, that the “benefit of the doubt” may be suspended for this member.
Many of our members are very devout and feel their religion and beliefs play a fundamental role in their lives. We applaud adherence to beliefs of your choice. Members with different, but equally devout, beliefs may be in direct contradiction. Please remember that some of mankind's worst and longest lasting wars were fought over differences of spiritual belief. Statements of a religious nature can cause disharmony. Therefore, in the spirit of "prevention", all religious content is banned from this site. However, the following exceptions will apply:
Phrases such as, "God bless you", "Bless you", and "you are in our prayers" are more than acceptable. Such phrases are not proselytizing and are regarded as non-denominational. (Technically, even atheism is a belief system.) No one is criticized for saying they would or would not pray. Also, phrases used to greet and or wish well being during certain seasons or holidays such as "Merry Christmas" are allowed and even encouraged, regardless of the religious foundation.
In Conclusion
We are a unique community here at, and have been proclaimed by some to be the friendliest site on the web. We want everyone who comes here to be part of this community, feel like they belong and to feel like they have found a home.