
  1. Flip-top dual stander stand

    Flip-top dual stander stand

    The disk / belt sander.
  2. Flip-top dual stander stand

    Flip-top dual stander stand

    The oscillating belt and spindle sander.
  3. Flip-top dual stander stand

    Flip-top dual stander stand

    Simple rotating stops holds the rotating top in either position.
  4. Flip-top dual stander stand

    Flip-top dual stander stand

    The electrical setup for the stand. With the cords carefully fastened in place, I can flip between the two without the cords becoming tangled.
  5. Flip-top dual stander stand

    Flip-top dual stander stand

    Dust collection setup for the oscillating belt and spindle sander.
  6. Flip-top dual stander stand

    Flip-top dual stander stand

    Dust collection arrangement for the disk/belt sander.
  7. Flip-top dual stander stand

    Flip-top dual stander stand

    The drawer provides plenty of space for the accessories and spare parts for both sanders.
  8. Flip-top dual stander stand

    Flip-top dual stander stand

    The top pivots on dowels driven into the rotating top through holes in the sides. A small section of PVC pipe serves as a bearing.
  9. Flip-top dual stander stand

    Flip-top dual stander stand

  10. Flip-top dual stander stand

    Flip-top dual stander stand

  11. H

    Basket case PC 337 belt sander - FREE to a good shop

    More than a few years ago a friend gave me a PC 337 belt sander that was not working. I managed to disassemble it and find some parts that were all broken up in there. I never progressed past that point. I did not acquire any new parts or do much else besides box it all up. So if you are...
  12. Douglas Robinson

    Triathlon Belt Buckle Display

    As another of my hobbies I do triathlons. I have a coach and it was his 40th birthday party last night. He is a very good athlete and has won the Battle of Buckhorn triathlon every year it has been run (2009, 2010 and 2011). The Male and female winners get a custom belt buckle as a prize. I...
  13. navy1990

    Belt Gave Out

    The other day I was doing some turning. (And I don't care what LOML says, it is alot cheaper than therapy :gar-Bi) Everything was spinning really well for the first half hour or so, but then all heck broke loose. My wood quit spinning, but the motor was still going. I open up the belt cover and...
  14. L

    Do belt sander belts go bad over time?

    In an earlier post, I mentioned that I am finally back in action from a woodworking standpoint after a three and a half year absence due to living in a rental property. Now that we have our own home again I am busy making replacement cabinets. I had a lot of 3" x 18" belts left which had now...
  15. LeftyTom

    I Need Some Time on a Belt Sander

    I need to sand a 36" L x 27" W x 2" T edge grain butcher block top. (Yes, I finally got the sections glued together.) The top is made out of white oak I bought from Rick DiNardo at The Woodworking Source. I am 30 minutes from Wilkesboro, Statesville, Mocksville, and Winston-Salem; an hour...
  16. T

    ridgid EB4424 oscillating edge belt sander (greensboro - ebay)

    someone might be able to get a good deal on this.... It is not worth the drive for me but heck it say make a offer and he does not want to ship.... might be worth a try for someone...
  17. Slack Belt Hand Sanding Tool

    Slack Belt Hand Sanding Tool

  18. A

    Best tool to sand complex rounded over plywood edge?

    Hello, NC Woodworkers! First post here. I routinely need to smoothe rounded over edges on very complex shapes cut out of 3/4" and 1.5" hardwood ply. I have been hand sanding using foam blocks but this has been extremely tedious and not that successful. Then I tried hand sanding with a strip...
  19. ZachEakes

    Decent belt sander?

    Hi guys, I am in the market for a decent belt sander after trying one out at the sharpening demo. My shop is mostly mobile and job site oriented, so I am looking at the 4x36 and 6x48 models with an emphasis on mobility and compact packaging. I bought a Skill from Lowes the other day...
  20. Mike Davis

    Got my white belt today...

    in saw sharpening from Bill Anderson at Edwards Mountain Woodworks. Bill is easy going, very full of knowledge and extremely helpful even to a complete beginner like me. I hope to take more classes from him in the future. No pics but it absolutely did happen and I'll make some close ups of...

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