
  1. quid_non

    Harbor Freight Store open in Durham!

    Hi All! Looks like the HF store is now open in Durham. Located by I85 where the old KMART was. Got this 10% off coupon by e-mail. Made a copy to pass on to anyone who wants it. Enjoy!! Best Wayne
  2. Tar Heel

    HF Store now open in Durham

    For those that sometimes go to the HF store in Raleigh, there is now another option that is closer for some of us. I just got an email that said the Durham store on Avonndale Ave. is now open and there was a 10% coupon attached. Yesterday afternoon I bought two tires from HF in Raleigh for the...
  3. M

    WNCWA Support Asheville Hardware Open House

    The Western NC Woodworkers Association were invited to participate in an Open House at the new Asheville Hardware store on Saturday, April 5th. Several other area groups had their members displaying at the Open House, including the world class Carolina Mountain Woodturners, the Southern...
  4. AHOH - 05 An Enthralled Visitor

    AHOH - 05 An Enthralled Visitor

    We had many youngsters come through the club area -- Bob Catterfeld shows this little girl Phil's Tongue Drum as her expectant Mom looks on.
  5. AHOH - 03 Randy with a Visitor

    AHOH - 03 Randy with a Visitor

    Randy Osborne details shaping curves rails using templates for layout and concave and convex planes, as Phil Edgerton looks on. Randy used curved rails in the Walnut Arts & Crafts nightstand he designed and built and brought for display.
  6. AHOH - 02 WNCWA Display Area

    AHOH - 02 WNCWA Display Area

    WNCWA members chat before the crowds arrive (L. to R.) Bob Shuford (bumout bob), Randy Osborne (ozzie-x), Phil Edgerton, Bob Catterfeld, John Fenwick and Jim Davis.
  7. AHOH - 04 Chip Carving on Keepsake Box

    AHOH - 04 Chip Carving on Keepsake Box

    This beautiful chip-carved keepsake box featured a picture of maker Phil Edgerton's Mom.
  8. AHOH - 01 Setting Up our Table

    AHOH - 01 Setting Up our Table

    Dan Campbell (dancam) and Randy Osborne (ozzie-x) setting up our display at the Asheville Hardware Open House
  9. eddie joe

    [Problem-DQ] the dq page won't open

    hey guys: with all the dq talk i just tried to sign up but the dq page wont open, all i get is a blank screen. Hope it dosent cause any further problems. :BangHead: Edd
  10. Bas

    The pool is open!

    With all the March Madness going on, perhaps we can have a little friendly pool to see when DaveO will reach the magical 10K posts mark! :XXcompute:XXcompute:XXcompute No rules, no brackets, no upset bonus, no entry fee, just reply with the day and time. The winner gets the honor of organizing...
  11. prolfe

    A week of savings; Demos needed for Open House

    March 1 is the kickoff of Klingspor's SEVEN DAY Customer Appreciation Days Sale at all four locations. In Raleigh, there will be vendors on site and at least five local clubs represented, including ncww, doing demonstrations and promoting their respective organizations for the woodworking...
  12. SteveColes

    3/1/08 - Sat - Raleigh Klingspor Open House - Can we do any Demos?

    Paul sent this as an email. I think he is afraid of posting himself.:rotflm::slap: If you are interested in doing a Demo Representing NCWW, please send me a PM
  13. jerrye

    open offer

    In talking with Nick on Monday it occurred to me that since I am all over NC, SC, VA, WV, and soon MD, DE, NJ, and southern PA with work I can serve as a default NCWW Express carrier (as long as the item fits into a Corolla). This is the only way I can find to contribute and be of any real...
  14. Douglas Robinson

    Woodcraft is Open!! I was the 1st customer!!!

    I went by on my way to work and got there just before they opened. I bought some Teak oil and a couple of odds and ends and got to be their first customer!! :eusa_danc The place looks great! They haven't finish the "demo" room where classes will be taught. I recognixed a lot of the old faces...
  15. Monty

    Voting is open for the 2008 Calendar contest

    Voting for the 2008 Calendar contest is now open! Before you vote, please take a moment to read through this entire post so your vote will count as much as possible. First of all, please remember this is both a woodworking AND a photography contest. A beautiful piece of work should not be...
  16. Bas

    Glue temperature affect open time?

    I am finally getting ready to glue up a little magazine rack. Only took four dry fits. All I need to do is give it a final sanding and it's ready to go. The whole thing is joined via dowels. A grand total of 46. I need to put glue in the holes, glue on the dowels, glue on the sides, fiddle it...
  17. Cherry Box Open

    Cherry Box Open

  18. SteveColes

    Contest Voting is Open

    Voting/rating for the contest is now open:eusa_danc Please read this message and/or more posts in this for clarifications. The contest and rating systems in the PhotoPost software is very crude, so I had to make some hurried changes. It is still crude, but it is the best that I can do for this...
  19. SteveColes

    Open Staff Positions

    It is now time to announce how the rest of the staff will be defined. All of the following positions have at least one opening. General Expectations for staff positions Each staff member will be expected to visit the site at least 3 to 4 times a week and perform the duties of their roles as...
  20. DavidF

    New Lowes now open

    If anybody is interested the new Lowes at the junction of 64 and 15/501 at Pittsboro opened this morning -just think, my own Lowes!! well there's not many other people around here!!!

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