
  1. dlrion

    Goldsboro Lunch! One last time!

    Guys I am sorry I kinda let the shop crawl get away from me, I got orders to California and I have been flying all over the country learning how to do my new job. I got back two weeks ago. I would really like to have one last lunch with you guys but I will be in Nevada for a week this month...
  2. J

    Earl's 1 man show Goldsboro Arts Council

    View image in gallery View image in gallery View image in gallery View image in gallery View image in gallery View image in gallery View image in gallery View image in gallery View image in gallery View image in gallery View image in gallery View image in gallery View...
  3. goldsboro lunch

    goldsboro lunch

    goldsboro lunch
  4. goldsboro lunch

    goldsboro lunch

    goldsboro lunch
  5. goldsboro lunch

    goldsboro lunch

    goldsboro lunch
  6. goldsboro lunch

    goldsboro lunch

    goldsboro lunch
  7. goldsboro lunch

    goldsboro lunch

    goldsboro lunch
  8. dlrion

    Goldsboro Lunch Again!

    Sorry guys, a couple people PM'd me and asked when we are getting together... I have been REALLY REALLY busy with a new class I am taking. How does March 27th at 1:00 sound? any takers? Dan
  9. Gregory Paolini

    Source for Prefinished maple/birch ply - Goldsboro area

    Hi folks, Hope someone can help me out. I'm trying to help a friend that's in the Goldsboro area. He's getting ready to start building Kitchen Cabinets. I'd really like if he could find some pre-finished plywood out that way. It could be eith birch, or maple. It's just going to be for the...
  10. dlrion

    Goldsboro Lunch Tomorrow!

    New China Restaurant on Berkeley Blvd, 2:00 Sound good? Who all is coming?
  11. CLetts

    Hello from Goldsboro

    Howdy! I've been woodworking since '03 and being single, I get the WHOLE garage for my woodshop. I enjoy building traditional kinds of furniture but I also like to make small projects (cutting boards, scrollsaw pictures, shelves, etc.), between builds. As soon as I learn how to add...
  12. dlrion

    Goldsboro Lunch Again!

    Hey I was thinking we should get together on the 16th or 23rd of January to brag about our Christmas adventures! All in favor??
  13. dlrion

    Goldsboro Shop Crawl Dates

    I guess we need to get serious about the shop crawl. I was thinking that after Christmas/ New Years time would be good because people usually have some days off work, and we could gloat about our new "toys" But I can see this being a problem... maybe people are busy with family?? I need...
  14. dlrion

    Goldsboro Lunch Again??

    Last time we had lunch, everybody seemed to want to get together on a more consistent basis. I was wondering if anyone is up for another Sunday Lunch, as that seemed to work well last time. How does December 5th at 2:00 look for everybody?
  15. dlrion

    Goldsboro Lunch!

    Dad Gum it! We are havin' a lunch... It would help if you could promote it and whatnot! 24 Oct 2:00 pm New China Restaurant on Berkley Blvd Goldsboro. 10 days now... any help is appreciated! Dan
  16. dlrion

    Goldsboro Lunch!

    Can somebody put this lunch up on the announcements? Oct 24th at 2:00 Place to be determined by the poll. I would appreciate it! Dan:icon_thum
  17. dlrion

    Goldsboro Lunch!

    OK! Earl pointed out that I was confusing everyone with the title "Goldsboro Shop Crawl" I just want to get everyone together in Goldsboro on the 24th of Oct, to pretty much just talk wood, and possibly think about organizing a Goldsboro Shop Crawl down the road. Late afternoon seems...
  18. dlrion

    Goldsboro Shop Crawl

    Matt moved away... so now there is nobody to organize the Goldsboro Shop Crawl... to my knowledge. If I wanted to get the folks round here together what all would I have to do? Is there someone in charge of shop crawls? I was thinking about Christmas/ New Years time when people have...
  19. CrealBilly

    Antlers from Oxford to Goldsboro

    I would like to get a antler rack from Oxford to Matt (MrAudio815) in Goldsboro. Please let me know if you can help - thanks
  20. dlrion

    Goldsboro Shop Crawl

    I am clicking on the link to sign up my shop for the goldsboro shop crawl, and it is telling me that I do not have privileges to see the form even... I just registered with NCWW a few days ago, but I talked with Matthew Bills and he says that he is alright with me going, and hosting at my...

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