experience with air drying pecan?

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New User
Does anyone have experience air drying pecan? I have about 350 bf of 1 x from 6-18" by 8 feet. We sawed it last week and it is now stacked (with stickers) in a shed. Should we have it kiln dried? Does it check and warp a lot. Any advice would be helpful.


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Kyle Edwards
Air dry first..sort out anything that splits,warps, twists, cups. Few places can "correctly" kiln dry Pecan/Hickory. They are interchangeable in the flooring industry.

Pecan and Hickory does have a tendency to split along lines of stress. Air drying is your best bet to minimize this. If you dry in a shed let have good air flow without direct sunlight.


New User
What Kyle said:thumbs_up and don't forget the cull is great for the BBQ smoker... I saw a 1.5lb bag of hickory chips in the store the other day for for 5.99 - My guess is it would take 4 or 5 bags to fill a 5 gallon bucket that's like 24 ~ 30 bucks per 5 gallon bucket full :eek:.
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