Earthquake....everyone OK

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Staff member
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Well the house and shop was shaking but we had no issues at Lake Gaston. Everyone else OK?

bobby g

Corporate Member
The Shoji between the kitchen and dining room rattled like heck and our Collies were looking in the door as if to say, what is going on.

bobby g


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Everything fine. First time I felt an earthquake, kind of like being in Scott Smith's shop when he turns on a power tool.


30 seconds of scary shaking here but no damage noted so far. The ironic thing is that I was in San Francisco last week and things there were nice and stable. :rotflm:


Board of Directors, Vice President
I thought they were doing something on the roof of of our office building until I noticed the reflection in the windows across the street was shimmering.


New User
I first I thought Scott Smith may have fired up his planer and was planing some black locust :) Then I remembered we have low flying big helicopters fly over the house a couple of times a week. I first thought it was a very low flying helicopter then I stepped out on the porch and seen the electric lines shaking... I knew it was bigger than a helicopter.


Master of None
Definitely felt it here in Tidewater. LOML reports the refrigerator was doing a nifty dance. No major damage, no injuries.



Corporate Member
that was no quake. it was the wife on her new jet powered broom headed to a SALE! :-D all is well here. never felt a thing at work.:gar-Bi


New User
Felt a strong shake that built for about 20 seconds. Heard it was felt stonger in Roxboro which makes sense. According to the USGS at this site:
reports have come in from as far as Montreal and Chicago.

My last quake was the Loma Prieta quake in 1989. It began very similar to this one with mild rattling and shaking, but continued to build in intensity. I was troubleshooting a network problem on one of my users workstation at the time and the first major shock was strong enough to lift a 25" CRT monitor off the desk and into my lap. I rode out the rest of the quake holding on to that monitor afraid if I dropped it the thing might explode. The sway of the building was such that on the 3rd floor, 4 full four drawer metal filing cabinets were slung across the room and through a wall.

Mother nature can be freaky powerful and, with earthquakes, give almost no notice this is going to happen. My guess is the media buzz is going to be intense for a while given the millions of folks who have never experienced a quake. One good thing that may come from this is that folks may take this as a wakeup call to truly prepare for Irene. There Mother Nature has given us all fair notice.


Bruce Swanson
Corporate Member
I felt the shaking while sitting on a stool in my shop. I looked toward the walls to see if hanging things were moving, and verified an earthquake was taking place. Rather mild here south of Hickory. Walked out back to the tractor barn to see if my brother felt it, but he didn't realize anything had happened. Now, to get ready for IRENE!:tinysmile_cry_t:


New User
I was at my new job in Sterling VA on the raised floor of a data center and I tell you I thought it was collapsing the floor was swaying with the large cabinets going side to side. All are safe with no damage to report:eusa_pray


Corporate Member
All fine on the west end of the Lake.
Had "a whole lotta shakin' goin' on" for about 10 seconds. I have been through a couple on the left coast but never felt one this strong in NC.

Ken Kimbrell

New User
Didn't notice it here in Tobaccoville, but our local news is reporting that it was felt all through this area.
LOML did not notice it either, but then again we lived in So Cal for about 28 years so maybe we're just desensitized. :rolf:


Corporate Member
I was outside running the pressure washer and didn't feel a thing. Wife and granddaughter in the house said they felt it, son in Wilson said he felt it.



New User
Didn't feel a thing in China Grove. In fact, didn't know anything about it until a brother-in-law in NJ called to see if we were OK and we had to say....From what??


I didn't feel it here in the mountains, but others in Asheville did. My son called and he felt it in Kittrell, north of Raleigh. I have felt minor earthquakes here in the past few years, but not this much bigger one. Happy to hear that there was no major damage reported.
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