Need some wide thick cherry

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Corporate Member
I am in the process of starting a rather large cherry linen press. The upper case will have two raised panel doors with the panels being about 20" wide each. I would love to make each of these out of bookmatched cherry. Does anyone know where I can find some 10/4 cherry at least 10" wide and no shorter than 5'. I also want it dry (8-10% moisture content). I prefer 10/4 over 8/4 as it gives me more wood to dress perfectly square and flat before resawing to get the bookmatched pieces.

Any help or directions to a source would be really appreciated.

Rob Liles


New User
I have gotten a chunk 16/4 about the dims your talking about from the Hardwood store of NC in the past. It's a bit pricey to buy like that and you always got the issue of whether its going to take off like a banana when you resaw. Maybe a veneer if cherry over something is an option.



New User
Bookmatching by re-sawing thicker stock is a little tricky, I think you got the right idea by doing with something like 10/4. But just remember you still run the risk of the boards curling up like potato chips... when they come off the resaw. A lot depends on how much stress is in the wood after it was kiln dried and just as important how the board was sawn off the log to begin with. Experience tells me quarter or rift sawn is much more stable than plain sawn. Hope that helped some


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Kyle Edwards
air dried then kiln dried 10/4 will do better straight kiln dried. The air drying allows for the stresses to exert themselves and show in the wood.

It will always be a gamble regardless because thick stock doesn't always show its true colors until resawn.
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