
  1. BKHam

    Bench with storage project

    working on a bench with storage for my wife's craft room. First dry fit of aprons and legs. tops of the legs will be mitered and connected with a rail. used a home made mortising jig and router with collar. not quite a domino but gets me there for weird mortises. top rail still oversized to...
  2. J

    Lenoir: air dried lumber for sale l I have an ad on craigslist for rough sawn air dried outside lumber with many more pictures there. Lots of ash, maple, poplar. A little less oak. The best lumber is cherry. No walnut...
  3. cherry gate leg table

    cherry gate leg table

  4. cherry gate leg table

    cherry gate leg table

  5. Cherry Exhibition Case - East Carolina University

    Cherry Exhibition Case - East Carolina University

    14\' long x 8 1/2\' tall x 2\' deep solid cherry completed 2012
  6. Cherry Exhibition Case - East Carolina University

    Cherry Exhibition Case - East Carolina University

    14\' long x 8 1/2\' tall x 2\' deep solid cherry completed 2012
  7. Cherry Exhibition Case - East Carolina University

    Cherry Exhibition Case - East Carolina University

    14\' long x 8 1/2\' tall x 2\' deep solid cherry completed 2012
  8. D

    the latest craze: turning something with pencils

    I belong to several forums, including 3 on facebook. Several guys are trying stuff, using colored pencils. I decided not to jump in the deep end of the pool, but decided it to give it a shot on a smaller scale. The colored pencils are all 'Teacher correcting pencils' and are 6-sided with red...
  9. mlzettl

    Latest work, a console table in curly cherry, designed in Sketchup

    This is my latest completed piece. I started designing it a few months ago using Sketchup. One of the great things about Sketchup is the ability to tweak things, look from multiple viewpoints, re-tweak, and keep repeating the process until you are satisfied. That can all be done without drawing...
  10. D

    large cherry burl and turquoise bowl

    This bowl is pretty large for a cherry burl. Outside height 4", inside depth 3", diameter of inner opening 6", max top rim diameter 8 1/8".
  11. Cherry desk

    Cherry desk

    Detail of under-bevel of top
  12. Cherry desk

    Cherry desk

  13. Cherry desk

    Cherry desk

  14. Cherry desk

    Cherry desk

    This desk is an original design that incorporates some Asian design elements. It can accommodate a keyboard and a mouse in the center drawer, and can be used as a computer desk. It measures 54" W x 30"D x 30"H.
  15. Cherry desk

    Cherry desk

    Detail of stretcher- rail wedged through tenons
  16. Cherry desk

    Cherry desk

    Drawer dovetails
  17. Cherry desk

    Cherry desk

    Drawer pull
  18. Cherry desk

    Cherry desk

    Detail of stretchers
  19. A

    Quartersawn Cherry For Pens?

    Anyone know how quartersawn cherry looks turned as a pen or have a pic they could share? I'm thinking about making a pen or something small as a gift for my mother. Last time she was here to visit (last year), I was busy splitting up a big cherry trunk into wedges, and she had to get in on the...
  20. D

    Another cherry burl & Turquoise bowl

    Cherry Burl with Turquoise inlay. Some worms had decided to make a few caverns in this piece. Turquoise dust fills the space. Opposite the inlay is more turquoise on the inside of the bowl. Height is 2", diameter is 6.5". The finish is just a coat of walnut oil. Polished to 3000 grit.

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