Hello from East Tennessee

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New User
Hello from the hills of East Tennessee, just over the border in Kingsport.

My name is Marvin, have been lurking on the site for quite some time & think it's time to come out of the shadows.

Am amazed at the information, friendliness, & camaraderie that I've seen between members on the site, and as a result, I look forward to reading posts to the site nearly every day.

Am married w/3 children - 2 boys & a girl. The eldest, our son, just left for Navy boot camp, heading into the SEAL program. Ah, winter in Chicago...

Am a computer systems analyst by trade, a Scout leader, & a woodworker for sanity. Wife & I enjoy restoring old houses. We're on our 3rd - a 1933 Colonial. This has brought practical experience in just about all of the trades - electrical, plumbing, HVAC, etc. We've done nearly all the work ourselves. Most of my woodworking experience is related to house restoration.

Here's looking forward to conversing in the future...


Corporate Member
Welcome to NCWW!!

This is a great group of guys and gals! So jump on in, the sawdust is mighty comfy.


Corporate Member
Welcome to the site. I go through Kingsport a couple of times a year on my way to Cumberland Gap. My brother owns a mountain with a log home on it on the Powell River.



Corporate Member
Welcome to the site, Marvin!!!:eusa_danc:eusa_danc:eusa_danc

Here's hoping that you will share some pictures of some of your restoration work. We LOVE pictures!

Post often and by all means stay safe around those power tools!!:gar-La;



New User
Welcome to the site... There are a great bunch of people on here. I am an IT director and I totally understand getting into woodworking for the sanity reason.

Mark Stewart

New User
Well hi there marvin I am just over the border ain spruce pine ( 45 min. or so from JC Tenn.) This is a wonderful place these folka are the best. Glad to have you with us.

Thanks Mark


New User
Welcome Marvin, I am glad that you found us. A woodworker, Scout leader and a Tennessean. I like you already. I spent many good years in both Knoxville, and Nashville before ending up in in NC. Some of my best memories are from my time in Scouting.
I look forward to your input in the forums and hopefully seeing some pictures of your work.
See you around!!!!


Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
Welcome to the site Marvin! :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap Sounds like you have a great family and some really cool hobbies. Please post some pictures of your work. Feel free to join in on any conversation. No more lurking for you! :icon_thum

Cheers, :eek:ccasion1

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