
  1. Joe Scharle

    Happy Birthday Flash

  2. timf67

    Arc flash safety

    Every day when I open the plant where I work, I turn on our compressor on my way in the door. I have had extensive electrical and arc flash safety training in the past, so by habit I always turn my head away from the switchgear when I close the circuit. I also wear EH rated safety shoes. This...
  3. Touchwood

    A Flash in the Can..MkII

    Hi all, A while back I posted some pics of the little LED flasher I built to put in my dust collector cyclone separator trash can. This gadget works fine for me except when I'm hogging off lots of material with the planer (like with soft maple or cypress) and the big shavings get stuck...
  4. woodArtz

    [Suggestion-Main Site] Flash Chat window

    This falls in the suggestion category... I was wondering if we could move the Flash Chat window above the ads on the right side of the page. I like to be able to glance over and see who's in the "lounge" without having to remember to scroll down. I've noticed less folks chatting lately ('cept...
  5. D L Ames

    FAQ for Flash Chat.

    I put together a FAQ for Flash Chat and posted it under the how to forum. Please take a look at it to see if anything needs changed or added. I am going to put together a "How To Use Flash Chat" to explain all the options in Flash Chat as well as how to open up additional rooms. D L
  6. D L Ames

    FAQ for Flash Chat.

    What is Flash Chat used for? The Flash Chat feature is a great way for members to come together to exchange ideas and information on woodworking or just chat to get to know one another better. How can I tell if others are using Flash Chat? In the left column of the NC Woodworker home page...
  7. woodguy1975

    New Users Don't forget about Flash Chat

    We chat twice a day as you can see on the side bar. Chatting is a great way to exchange with other members in an informal environment. I'm normally logged in for the 12:00pm chat time. Stop by if you have time and let us hear from you. Thanks, John

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