MBF 5/4 Black Walnut for sale

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Well it looks like everyone is set, I'll see you all Sunday. Looking forward to putting some faces with names. I'm going to phone Ted in the morning and see if I can get a better handle on length and width and post here. I know not all of them are 16' so hopefully there won't be that much sawing needed.


Corporate Member
I like the suggestions so far, but maybe a Tweaked Modified Method 1 ?: 11 piles.

Stop at 50 bf-ish and draw a pile for hpm67.

The remaining 10 piles are up-sized to 100 bf ish. The remaining names draw a pile, except Turtlewood draws twice (2 piles) to reach his 200bf.

If all boards are ~16', there should be <10 boards in a 100 bf pile.

Then swapping, cutting, loading ensues. I have visions of a 3 Stooges scene :lol:

I'll bring chalk, a handsaw and some extra tie-downs in case somebody needs 'em.

BTW, 11 am on Sunday the 14th is fine with me.

Jim (fernhollow..) - if I haven't said so already: thanks.


I'll be coming with Tarhead on Sunday and I'll take my pile however everyone decides is best. Sorry to be the odd man out with 50 b.f. but LOML would have my hide if I put any more than this in the garage. As it is I'm not sure where it will go. I'll find someplace for it.


Corporate Member
Reading this thread this a.m. after reading some "headline news" and thinking how good life could be if the rest of the world had the same outlook on life as the guys and gals of NCWoodworkers.

just a thought . . .


I found a little time to head up to Ted's this evening and snapped a picture of the 1000BF of black walnut. You'll notice a few layers of cull accross the top before the 5/4 starts. Random width and length, the 16'ers are on the bottom I couldn't back up far enough to get a picture of it all. It was not the best conditions to be taking pictures with the sun going down and being in the shade.



  • 1000 BF Black Walnut.jpg
    1000 BF Black Walnut.jpg
    118.4 KB · Views: 152


yeah - isn't the saying something like "one man's cull is another's trivet?"

Pete, I couldn't agree more. The cooperation in getting this accomplished is so cool. I wish I had time to go just to meet everybody. Guess I'll just settle for pictures.
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Jim Murphy

New User
Fern HollowMan
Great reminder, Cathy. I'm going to START NOW on my way to the truck with my camera, and place it in a secure place, so on Sunday I will have it on hand to record the GLOAT.

Those bringing moisture meters and cordless gear, now's the time to put it in the truck. The older I get the better my forgetter works.



Corporate Member
I just looked at the stats for this thread. 74 replies and 1249 views in 5 days!!! In some places Jeff could be arrested for inciting a riot! Amazing what a stack of lumber can do to people:lol: . Glad we've all behaved.:icon_thum
See everybody Sunday (if I don't see you Saturday in Hillsborough)


New User
well friends the my car is making very strange noises, I have a friend that will help me fix it but I need to order a rebuild kit for it. Are there any back up buyers, I really wanted to get the wood (a future gift to wife in the form of furniture) but I need to fix my transportation. If there are not any back up buyers let me know, I will have to swing it and keep to my word. God bless friends.


New User
Hey Michael,

Sorry to hear that you might not be able to make it.

If you can not make it, looking at the thread history, the next person who expressed interest in the group buy is skysharks.

I think that it would only be fair to offer it to him next.

John (skysharks), please let us know if you would like in on the group buy in michaelgerner's place of 100 bf.

I will PM/email shysharks as well to help ensure that he knows the news.



New User
let me know who is on deck, and if they can follow through, if not I have to start shaking out the coins in the couch


New User
Hey Michael,

I wouldn't worry to much about it. There were a few folks who also wanted in and a few who are in now that were willing to take more.

Shouldn't be a problem finding someone to take your place.

So as of now, here it the latest round up on the Black Walnut Group Buy:

200 bf: Turtlewood (confirmed for Jan 14th)
100 bf: fernhollowman (confirmed for Jan 14th)
100 bf: Tarhead (confirmed for Jan 14th)
100 bf: NCPete (confirmed for Jan 14th)
100 bf: rherrell (confirmed for Jan 14th)
100 bf: Mike Davis (confirmed for Jan 14th with rherrel picking up)
100 bf: Pete M (confirmed for Jan 14th with Tarhead picking up)
50 bf: hpm67 (confirmed for Jan 14th with Tarhead picking up)
100 bf: deferred by fernhollowman to mkepke (confirmed for Jan 14th)

100 bf: Currently offered to skysharks (Unconfirmed)



New User
Hi guys and gals. I'd like to toss my name in the hat if you need another buyer. Just starting to get my shop in order and need some wood to cut up with all of these cool tools! I live in Raleigh (near Clayton) so meeting you would not be an issue plus it would be a great opportunity to meet some of you nice folks. Just let me know if the asking gets this far down the line :-D



New User
As with others in this thread, I'm in for "easing the load" of 50-100, if the list gets this far down......
Best to all,

Tony ...


New User
Pete Davio
Mac (skysharks) and I are probably riding up together, if he is yet unaware of the new situation, I will let him know tomorrow when we get together :)


New User
John Macmaster
yippe I'm in , I'm in. Sorry Micheal about your car.
Get up with me latter, I might be able to help you out.


I can just see ya'll fitting into a restaurant parking lot with all of those loads of walnut! Please get a picture of that :lol: Maybe you should meet for breakfast.
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