Two more milestones, and a major "whoopsie"...

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New User
Scott Smith
Early this week I completed the final changes to the wiring output on the generator, and now am complete with respect to generating both 440 and 240 3 phase power.

Also fired up the horizontal resaw for the first time, and spent a number hours dialing it in. I kid you not - the cuts were so smooth that you COULD NOT TELL that they had been made with a bandsaw. I have never seen a bandsaw cut so smooth.

That is, until I forgot to retension the blade after taking a break, and bent the tar out of a $250.00 Lennox tri-master carbide tipped blade by catching the loose blade with the conveyor.


Tonight, thanks to a sandpaper donation from NCWW member Doug Wilberg, I made some sleds for running veneer through the wide belt sander. I have some 1/16" veneer to test with tomorrow; ought to be pretty interesting.

Slowly getting there...
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Michael Shelley
Corporate Member
Great news Scott. Now you can make some awesome tiger oak veneer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, got the table top made, will put the final finish on it today and get some pics.



New User
Scott, I thought I was the only one that turned on a bandsaw with no tension! At that blade price I bet you will soon figure out a way to remember.

I'd be interested to see pic's or a "how to" on how to build the veneer sleds. I've wanted to experiment with making veneer for a while now but haven't gotten a round to it. I assume that you glue the sandpaper to BB Ply or MDF with a veneer strip glued on as a "back stop." Am I close?



New User
Sounds great, Scott! (except for the blade!) I've gotta come down soon and get the "Updated Tour." I'll bring Shiloh along and you can meet her.

Good luck with the veneer sleds. I'd like to see that also.

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
Sorry to hear about the blade Scott. :tinysmile_cry_t: But I'm glad it runs well if it is tensioned. I'd LOVE to see that puppy in action sometime. :rolleyes:

Travis Porter

Corporate Member
That is, until I forgot to retension the blade after taking a break, and bent the tar out of a $250.00 Lennox tri-master carbide tipped blade by catching the loose blade with the conveyor.

I have done that...... Very disheartening.:gar-Cr


Corporate Member
Great to hear that you got that puppy fired up!!!:icon_thum:icon_thum:icon_thum

WOW! I am so sorry to read about the blade issue though...:no:

A trick that I borrowed from a member was to place a small spring clamp on the blade, right by the guide blocks as a reminder to re-tension. (Of course this only works well on a wee Delta 14".:embaresse)

Hope to see it in action as well, one fine day!

Congrats on the power, scott!:icon_cheers


Bill Clemmons

Corporate Member
Ouch, that hurts! I hung a big orange ribbon on the tension release of my lil'ole 14" BS. It gets in the way if I try to saw while the tension is released. But I know its just a matter of time before I do it anyway. :gar-La;



New User
Scott Smith
Great news Scott. Now you can make some awesome tiger oak veneer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, got the table top made, will put the final finish on it today and get some pics.


Mike, I can't wait to see those pix! I'll bet that its going to look great.


New User
Scott Smith
Hang a piece of veneer over the start switch. Write "ARE YOU READY TO SPEND ANOTHER $250.00???


:gar-La; More like "ARE YOU READY TO THROW AWAY ANOTHER $250.00"

Before I left the shop last night, a checklist was created and taped to the resaw.

I hope that I can save the blade; it appears that the front portion (where the carbides are attached) may have stretched ever so slightly. It still works, but I'm getting a groove across the veneer/board every time that section of the blade passes it.


Glad you got your 3 phase juice flowing Scott, :thumbs_up I am sorry to hear about ths saw incident, After crunching 1 bandsaw blade a refrigirator magnet now lives on my saw and I place it over the power switch whenever I loosen the tension. :wsmile: A similar incident involving the rip lock on my RAS led to some mileage put on my labelmaker :gar-La;



New User
Scott Smith
Glad you got your 3 phase juice flowing Scott, :thumbs_up I am sorry to hear about ths saw incident, After crunching 1 bandsaw blade a refrigirator magnet now lives on my saw and I place it over the power switch whenever I loosen the tension. :wsmile: A similar incident involving the rip lock on my RAS led to some mileage put on my labelmaker :gar-La;

Glenn, that's a good idea. As a matter of face, you just gave me an even better idea...

The control panel for the resaw is at the front of the machine, where the operator feeds the boards into the conveyor. Unfortunately, the hydraulic pressure guage for the band tension is on the back side of the saw head, which means that you have to walk around the saw to check the tension.

I just remembered that I have a spare 4000 psi liquid filled hydraulic guage, and I also have the equipment for making up hydraulic hoses. There should be enough room on the panel for me to mount a second tension guage in it and plumb it into the band tensioner. This would not only serve as a visual reminder, it would also provide me with direct visibility of the pressure (typically the bands are tensioned >2000 psi). I've noticed that sometimes the pressure drops for the first 10 - 15 minutes of running the saw, and after that it stabilizes. A remote guage would allow me to keep better track of the tension.

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