Phillip will be headed to get thin CA tomorrow. I'll be sure and keep the chisels sharp. What speed would you recommend to turn it? I have six speeds (430, 810, 1,230, 1,810, 2,670, 3,900) :eusa_danc Any recommendations on drilling the blank? Sharp bit? :lol:
MAke sure EVERYTHING IS SHARP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
after drilling (do not drill all the way through the blank)
Do not drill all the wasy through the blank.
Pour some CA in the blank and cover with clear packing tape,
HOld the blank between thumb and inddex finger(thats the readon for the tape) and turn hrizontal and revolve.
Put it a a spring clamp vertical and go frill the other half.
Pur the CA from the first blank into the second and repeat the process.
Spray accelerator into the hole and wait a few minutes.
Ream out the first blank withthe same drill bit you used to drill the hole(I normally do this by hand.
Take the tube for this blank , mark a cut line and cut the end off.
Dry fit the tube.
If it fits o.k. glue the tube in with CA.I plug the tube with wax, and put the CA IN THE BLANK. I have found that more glue is spread if you put the glue in the blank rahter than on the tube. the wax will act as a plunger and disperse the glue in the blank, better glue coverage.
Hit the ends with accelerant.
BEFORE you do the same thing to the second half mill the first blank with the tube in it. Put it on the mandrel with bushings.Now take the second blank, remove the tape and slowly pour the CA from it onto the first blank trying to get as much of the blank stabilized as you can.use more CA if necessary(It will be necessary)
Repeat the same process for the second half.
The blanks are now ready to turn and you have done everything you can to make sure it won't blow out or crack after it is finished.(praying never hurts)
One last thought it doesn't hurt to knock off the corners of the blank with the band saw or a jig on a table saw.Sanding melts the CA.