Question for you Tree cutting People

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Mark Stewart

New User
Hi all I was unsure where to puty this so I decided on how to.(move at will)
Here is my question. In my neighbor hood I have found this Tree


It has that purdy Knot on it that I wish to cut off and I have been told I may do so ifin I can do it with out killing the tree. Is this possible or just a pipe fream? and if so how do I do it?
Thanks Mark


Board of Directors, Vice President
It is not possible to guarantee the tree won't die from even the smallest scratch. If you were to make the smallest depression with two saw cuts and "paint"it with the tree surgeon goop, it would probably be fine, but the yield would be small. that's just my opinion and "probably" still involves enough chance for failure that I wouldn't risk it.


New User
That is a nice looking tree Mark.

A few Burls here and there, very nice. What type of tree is it?

I will have to take a picture of the two Box Elder Burl trees I will be getting this summer from the college I am attending and share with everyone.


New User
Tool Crazy
Looks like this is the result of some bad pruning to begin with.

Why are you wanting to cut if off? To improve the apperance of the tree or what?

There probably no sap able to flow through the Knot so it should be OK to cut it off.

Make one clean cut just out from the original collar of the limb, if you can tell where it is.

Some will argue you shoule wait until the sap goes down but in my experance, it make no differance.

Mike Davis

Corporate Member
I would want to cut the whole trunk 6 - 8 inches above and below the burl. It probably has decent grain to the pith. You would at least want that part to mount in the lathe. Several smaller burls there, maybe you can offer a small bowl for the tree?


Corporate Member
I wouldn't suggest making any cuts in that tree unless it is on property that you own outright (not "community" property)

Mark Stewart

New User
I wish I could get the whole tree trhere are some really nice burles on it. I have permission to cut one of the knotts but not the whole tree. This is my delema I guess Ill wain ans see what happens. by the way ang guesses on the type of tree Im thinking magnolia, but not sure.

Thanks MArk
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