Pick a Chuck

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Corporate Member
I have the infamous HF 34706 lathe and am contemplating a chuck purchase. With the very wide variety of chucks out there, I am having trouble selecting a good general purpose one that fits my lathe.:roll:

Without breaking the (piggy) bank, can anyone offer any advice and/experiences with what is currently out there?




Corporate Member
I have the HF 34706 too. I bought the PSI Barracuda II chuck. It came with 4 sets of jaws and a case. I think I paid $169.00 for it. So far, it's done everything I asked of it...HTH
Take care,

P.S. I think DaveO has the same chuck...maybe he'll add his .02


New User
I have two. The first is a Oneway Talon. It is an outstanding chuck, but at a price as much as the lathe itself, it's a bit costly. Also you have to buy the rest of the jaws for it separately.
I was in the market for a set of Cole jaws (Steve wouldn't give me his) and found that I could buy the PSI Baracuda II chuck with all 4 sets of jaws for not much more that I could buy a set of Cole jaws for the Oneway Talon. http://www.pennstateind.com/store/csc3000c.html
So I ended up with two chucks. I think the PSI chuck is a great deal. It isn't as well built as the Oneway, but it will do what you need, and at a good price


New User
I have the HF 34706 too. I bought the PSI Barracuda II chuck. It came with 4 sets of jaws and a case. I think I paid $169.00 for it. So far, it's done everything I asked of it...HTH
Take care,

I bought one of those chucks too----------it was from a seller on ebay and priced at about 150.00(buy it now). He also had the adapters at a very reasonable price----under 20.00. Craft supplies wants 3 times that for an adapter.

My main chuck is the Oneway Stronghold. Years ago I bought a 3 jaw chuck from Grizzly------it does a good job on a lot of things but does not hold a bowl blank like the Oneway.:gar-Bi



New User
I got the PSI utility grip, With all the jaws (it uses the same jaws as the Barracuda) Works for me:jiggy:


New User
I have three teknatool (Nova) chucks. I like the quality and I can exchange the jaws between 'em. They have lots of jaw choices. A tad pricey though.


Corporate Member
oneway,oneway,oneway........ I have 2 talons and a strongehold. wouldnt trade any of em. also have had cheaper chucks. buy once cry once!:icon_thum
a better chuck will make a great lathe better but it will make a not so great lathe better too. IMHO a chuck is the most important tool you will buy for your lathe. it will get used a lot. I dont care much for the DUCK AND RUN type of turning!:rotflm: the bigger the wood the more its gonna hurt! DAMHIKT......


Corporate Member
Thanks a lot guys for narrowing the field for me!!!!:eusa_danc

I will now just have to shop for price. I really appreciate your input!



New User
Todd Hetrick
I have the same HF lathe. I picked up a NOVA G3 chuck for about $129 at Klingspores. Plus about $24 for the thread adapter. I love it. I should have bought it sooner.


New User
I have the same lathe and just picked up a Barracuda chuck on Amazon for $116. It uses two bars instead of the key used on the Barracuda II. It works well. You can't close the jaws all the way or the chuck will not seat against the flange at the bottom of the threads. I guess a FLAT washer would solve that. Other than that it works well.


You can't close the jaws all the way or the chuck will not seat against the flange at the bottom of the threads. I guess a FLAT washer would solve that. Other than that it works well.

Yep, that lathe has a long spindle nose.... I found that chucks that don't use an adapter will need a flat washer, to shorten the spindle a bit. I have found that a 1/4" thick piece of MDF about 2 inchs square will work great - drill out to 1 inch and the then round the outside make's a great washer. This will also keep the chuck from getting stuck on the spindle. Why pay $2.00 for a thin plastic washer.



New User
Great idea. I was concerned about getting a very flat washer to prevent runout, but MDF is compliant so it should work great. Cheap and no extra trip to the store.
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