Phone call last night

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Don Alexander

New User
ever notice that written words tend to be read (and taken) with the current mood of the reader as the primary filter?

its extremely difficult to get the tone that is intended when reading something that a person you know very well has written its completely impossible to read the tone of something written by a complete stranger (obviously there are certain unmistakeable clues i.e. calling someone a "flaming idiot " ) but in the normal course of written conversation all the usual visual and audio input is missing ergo its easy to get the wrong idea about what is intended

i guess what i'm laboring to say here is that we all need to just stay calm cool and collected,
make an effort to not take anything written as being critical/personal and make a further effort to take things as being meant to be helpful

if someone wants to be mean spirited it will come out in the open just fine on its own without anyone going looking for it a bit less thin skinned sensitivty in all of us would go along way to promoting world peace :gar-La;

just an observation about the world in general :wsmile:


Corporate Member
I have a sister who is, shall we say, long winded.:gar-Bi Our saving grace is she talks with her hands.:tinysmile_tongue_t: My brother in law has handcuffs........:rotflm: The silence is deafening!:gar-Bi


New User
:eusa_thin Let's make a deal, Mike.

I will write your posts and you fix my tools :widea:

Roger (currently disconnecting my phone :))

Mike Davis

Corporate Member
Yeah, that's what i need, a ghost writer!

What tool problems do you have? If I ever get this house/mortgage closed maybe I can come to Raleigh/Durham for a day.

Tom Dunn

New User
Tom Dunn
Even gifted writers can have their words mis-construed, thats why theres pung-tu-ation!

Poses the question, there are great writers, and great orators, but are there any great writer/orators?

I suspect there are, but surely many gifted orators(i.e. politicians) would be 'up the creek" without a gifted speech writer, yes/no?


New User
Mike, you may remember, that in my early days with this forum, I responded to one of your posts that had a picture of your shop and I made a comment about the mess on the floor. I was trying to be amusing, but you took offense. You made it plain to me that you were very careful with your posts. I have tried to take that to heart. When I want to offend someone (which is almost never) I use very strong words to get the point across. I love humor, and I like for people to make fun of me in a friendly way.

It is my wish that we all take a deep cleansing breath and get back to enjoying the comradeship of a common interest that we all enjoy and some are good at.

You are one of the number that I always read your posts. It does not take long to learn who has the experience and skills to best advise neophites like me.

I learned a long time ago, though, that everyone knows something. So, you have to listen to everyone if you do not want to miss that diamond in the rough.

One of out number responded to one of my threads with a nasty comment while I was on line. I saw it, but it had been deleted by a moderator within 5 minutes of being posted. I did not respond to the nasty comment and would not have even though it was deleted.

In all, I think our BOD and staff do an excellent job. Hope all stay with us and continue the great job.

Mike Davis

Corporate Member
I do remember that and I remember that I misunderstood your post and you cleared it up right away. You are another fellow that I really want to meet someday and count among my friends.


Corporate Member
It is a big world out there and it is full of all sorts of interesting folks, such as yourself. While I will not pretend to fully understand everything you are trying to convey in your post, I understand enough to know that what you have is a gift, not a curse!



Corporate Member

You don't sound the least bit weird to me.

People often think I'm overly negative just because I always see the flaws and the mistakes in things. Truth is, the very gift that sometimes causes others to think I'm being negative also blesses me with the insight to see how those same things can be fixed and improved upon. As a result, I'm usually the first person people come to to get something fixed (though that can be a bit of a curse as well, since I'm the only person in my family that can fix almost anything).

If you ever walked into my shop without my knowing, you would likely find me openly debating two or three different points of view on some subject or other. I tend to have some of the best debates with nobody other than myself. When people ask who I'm talking to, I always tell them "me, myself, and I" -- and it is quite true!

As if that doesn't seem odd enough to others, I also have an almost compulsive need for certain textures, for only those certain textures can quiet my mind. My mind is pretty much a cacophony of competing thoughts, ideas, and trains of thoughts. I don't like malls or noisy restaurants (just too much chaos to process at once). I am also the last human being on Earth you would ever want to get directions from -- when I was younger I actually got lost on my family's property. Yes it was a large 'backyard' but I have zero inate sense of direction, so if I forget which direction I was headed (i.e. stop to look at something), I can't reorient myself. I can only drive rigid routes and get very lost if I have to stray from them terribly much.

And as if all that didn't make me weird enough, throw in my chronic illness, fibromaylgia, with intense pain and very limited endurance and all that goes with it. According to a recent study I should be loosing gray (brain) matter at about 10-11 times that normal rate, so by the math I have the brain of a 240+ year old man! No wonder why I have zero short term memory and always seem to be forgetting everything!

So, no Mike, you don't seem the least bit odd to me!


Staff member
Corporate Member
its extremely difficult to get the tone that is intended when reading something that a person you know very well has written its completely impossible to read the tone of something written by a complete stranger.

Don :icon_thum. You don't have to be a stranger to misread someone's intent.


New User

FWIW, I find your writing great, and I quite enjoy your brevity and directness. Sometimes everyone is too busy beating around the bush, so to speak. I'll take your answers anyday because, honestly, they save me time and translation. :)


New User
Mike, I don't think I've ever mis-read one of your posts. But then again, I've met you, so maybe I understand better?


New User
Geez Mike, look at what you've gone and done. Now we know that everyone on NCWW is certifiably NUTS! Of course, I've known that about you for a while now and I'm sure you've figured that out about me!:wink_smil

I do the same thing though. In school I had a heck of a time figuring out algebra, but I did great with geometry because I could visualize it.


Corporate Member
FWIW, Mike, when I've been around you, and noticed your distant look, I always thought is was the gears whirring in your mind. I've never been put off by anything you have said or written.

Remember, it is always the "normal" people who are the serial killers. :eusa_thin


Corporate Member
Mike: Let's face facts:

You tend to call a bipedal mammal energized excavation device a ... shovel (or maybe a spade); And

a biological fiber surface shearing device a ... plane; Not to mention

a ferrous composite fastening device installation accessory a .... hammer.

No wonder you are misinterpreted when digitally entering data into an electronic media communications portal.

Of course, I think I understand fully what I think you meant when you answered many a post on this forum, and never found reason think I thought that any thing you thought was in anyway offensive, so who am I to judge?

And don't let that "far distant look" thing bother you. I have been in conversations with family here and done the same thing (the only difference is mine has sometimes been accompanied by snoring, so it may be a different thing after all.)


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