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New User
Sort of. I've been lurking for a while(131 days).

My name is Steve Cogswell (Steve or “Cogs”) and I’m living in Charlotte with my wife Mary Beth. We transplanted from CT almost five years ago. I work at one of the banks down here as an IT guy building data warehouses. I’m a computer geek by trade but really get great satisfaction from building something solid.
I’ve been slowly getting into woodworking. We bought a house that needed some things done and started buying power tools. Instantly had a full blown case of WGD!! I already have 3 routers!!!:tool: Now I’m just about done making my 2 car garage into a workshop. Insulated, paneled and AC unit installed.
My wife and I are expecting our first child at the end of the year and I’ll be starting on the changing table soon. Hopefully, that will be followed by a crib and many more projects.
I found this site a few months ago and really appreciate the great people you have contributing here. You are always helpful whatever the question or need.



Welcome to the open air, Steve -- I've seen your name every time I send a message to Papa Smurf -- better known as SteveColes, our Webmaster/Owner/Grand PooBah -- so you are among the known! Happy that you've joined and are getting into woodworking -- sounds like you have an earnest reason to begin a project for your first born -- excellent! Be sure to post some pics as soon as you can -- I see you've already set up an album, so don't be bashful.

But watch out for Wood Wrangler -- he is both a computer geek and has terminal WGD and he has posted more pictures than even me!


New User
Welcome, Cogs. And congratulations on the soon to be "shop assistant!"

Here's the most significant thing in your post:

Now I’m just about done making my 2 car garage into a workshop. Insulated, paneled and AC unit installed.

Now comes the "FUN" part, buying all the tools you need!
AND, you'll find us MORE than willing to help you spend money, er select good tools!


I'm right over here in Stanly county, so if I can be of assistance, give me a call.

Again, welcome aboard!


Corporate Member
Welcome to the site Steve. With the reference to WGD, you are quite an accomplished lurker.:icon_thum You should fit right in.


New User
Great to have you join us here Steve. Excellent intro! Can't wait to see the pics. :icon_thum

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
Welcome Steve! :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap It's amazing how fast WGD can take over your soul. :rotflm: Congrats on the soon-to-come little one. I look forward to your input and seeing some of your work. :icon_thum

Cheers, :eek:ccasion1



New User
Welcome Steve, I am glad that you came out of the shadows and introduced yourself. I too have seen your user name frequently listed on Online Users, the similarity to SteveColes seems to catch my eye.
Congrats on your soon to come child. I found that I was my most productive woodworking wise shortly after my child was born. There are so many things that you can make for them, and nap time is plentiful.
I look forward to your input in the forums and seeing some pics of your work, and of course some baby pics :icon_thum:icon_thum



Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Steve, welcome! We seem to have a lot of IT guys here - I wonder if IT naturally fits with woodworking (for whatever the reason) or is it because IT people browse the web a lot. Regardless, good to have you here, and it looks like you have plenty of projects to work on!
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tom hintz

New User
Tom Hintz
Welcome to the forum, welcome to NC (I also transplanted from WI 13 years ago) and congrats on the baby!

There is lots of help around here with lots of nice people so don't be afraid to ask when you run into things that don't look or seem right. I think a big part of woodworking is learning to recognize mistakes BEFORE making them and learning to cover them up professionally when you fail that....

Have fun but be safe first!


Corporate Member
Come on in the shop, Cogs, and pull up a chair.

I suggest December 14 as a excellent day for your first to join the world. (this has nothing to do with that being my birthday :rolleyes: )


Administrator , Forum Moderator
Welcome Steve, It is great that you found us. We are happy that you joined after lurking so long.


Corporate Member
Welcome Steve!!!!:icon_thum:eusa_danc:eusa_clap

Glad to you could join us and look forward to future projects and posts!



New User
Welcome to posting and pixs. Ya got the posting down, so it's time to move on to the pixs :icon_thum

Thanks for being a NCWWer!
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