:help:I have recently bought a new, old stock 46-250 Delta midi lathe. Now I find the bed extension , 46-855 has been discontinued. The 46-463 appears to be the same. Does anybody know if it will fit the 250?
Yeah, thats what I'm probably going to have to do. I got a response from Delta that it will not fit. Anybody done that successfully? My main concern is making sure it is stable to the head stock.
I extended my Rockler with a PSI that was bolt on compatible. I mentioned this to someone else looking for an inexpensive alternative, suggesting looking for a cheaper clone. Well, he bought the same one I had which really wasn't compatible with his as he had access to machining tools at work and he made it work: http://www.ncwoodworker.net/forums/showthread.php?t=30767