MAJOR Tool Ouch!

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New User
Well, a few weeks ago I broke out the 'ol circular saw to make a quick cut on something and the thing just didn't cut right. The guard didn't go all the way back and I couldn't figure out what was going on. I was in a hurry, so I made the cut as best I could and left it for another day.

Well, today was that day. My neighbor asked me to rip a board for some stairs to his attic and I didn't have room to do it on the table saw (basement shop :-( ), so I broke out teh circular saw. I remembered dropping it sometime last year, but I couldn't remember if it was when I was in Gulfport, MS with NC Baptist Men after Katrina or some other time. I don't remember making a big deal about it either way. Well, I looked all over the saw and couldn't figure out why it was hanging up. I figured the housing for the upper blade guard was bent, so I started prying it carefully to see if I could straighten it out. Well, I hear this sound like metal scratching. I look a little closer and see the housing is atually cracked and has been pushed in so that it wouldn't allow the guard to close properly. Well, I GENTLY pry a little more to try to bend it so I can use it and then I hear a pop. So, I looked at the upper guard a little closer. Seems when I dropped it, it cracked the guard housing pretty bad and it was pushed over not allowing the blade guard to go back all the way. When I pried it to bend it back, the scraping was the cracked portion rubbing together. The "pop" was the housing cracking further, all the way to the top! :BangHead: I almost cried! This was one of the first "name" tools I purchased on my own as I was adding to my collection. Prior to that, I was too poor (and I still am, actually!) to buy good tools and had to rely on garage sale items.

I priced a new one at $47 plus shipping. Needless to say, I am NOT a happy camper right now!

Here's the saw:

Look closely at the crack from top of the center of the housing and how it runs down, to the left, all the way to the bottom. Prior to my "gentle persuasion", the crack was about where handle "bends", up next to the crease. You can see how much it cracked after the "pop".


It is a little more visible here:


Here it is from the inside:


In case you can't see it too well, I highlighted it:


The crack runs almost all the way to the "R" in Porter and almost all the way to the top of the crown.

If I were a drinking man, I would be drowning my sorrows in my beer right now!:-(


Hey I HAD one just like that - happened about the same way too... it's in the landfill now :roll:

Ray Martin

New User

Sorry to hear about the snap - crack - pop. That always hurts. I gave up my circular saw last summer when it burned out on a house build. It was only 27 years old.

I replaced it with a Ridgid and have been happy with that.



New User
Yes, that is the going price If you think about it, though, it is a major component. If it were the guard that swings up when you push it through, I would have just taken it off and been extra careful, but the upper guard is actually the entire piece that fits around the blade and bolts to the motor. It is pretty extensive, though it doesn't look to be all that difficult to replace. We shall see.

I had a Craftsman that my father in law gave me for Christmas one year. It was a pretty good saw, but I started on my boys' bunk beds a couple of summers ago and I noticed it wasn't cutting square. I set a framing square on it and it was off, despite being adjusted as far as I could adjust it. So, I sent it in to Sears for fixin'. They sent it back, charged me $20 and sent me on my way. Well, I get home (should have take the square with me when I picked it up!) and get ready to work on the bed and I lay the square to it and it is still off. Granted, it is better than it was, but still off. I was hopping mad! I promptly went out and bought the saw in the pictures above. Dropped about $150 at Lowes on it, but I loved it from day one. Had it not been an impulse buy, I would have bought the "left hand" version, but no big deal. Anyway, the bunk beds I built were basically all 2x4 and 2x6 material. Not a "dainty" bed at all, so the circular saw was perfect for it. I have used this saw building houses, building various projects at home and church and all kinds of other stuff and it has never failed me once. Not for the "finer" woodworking I do now, but still a good tool to have around. So, I guess I will order the guard and keep on sawing!

I'll be darned if it will be going back to Gulfport with me in a few weeks, though! :-D


New User
Sorry to hear about the accident. It does seem like a good saw though and at times out tools just need some love. I'm sure after this is replaced there will be no more pop's in the future. be blessed friend


New User
You might try taking the guard to a welding shop and get it heliarced. I've heliarced several tool cases and parts over the years and it usually works fine.


New User
Well, I broke down and ordered a new one. I thought about taking it to a welding shop, but I decided I would just go with a new one. Probably the last saw I will buy for a long time, unless I have to. PC makes good stuff and I am yet to burn one of their products out. Besides, I needed to order new wrenches for my router (690 display model at Lowes with no case or wrenches I bought for a STEAL!) anyway, so I have some new toys on the way!


Corporate Member
:-x, Sorry about your mishap. I got one of thoe PC's in the lefty version. I am amazed at how quiet it is. My "junk" ciruclar saw is a Wilwaukee, which the LOML found in a traffic circle. It has some malady, where the base cannot be "locked" in the full depth position. Any place near Winston-Salem that can help me get it corrected?
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