I need help with final surface and finish on bowls

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Board of Directors, Vice President
I stopped work on that pretty bowl I posted because I was doing as much damage as good trying to get the surface right. It joins a couple of other smaller ones at the same stage. Anyone around Raliegh/Cary willing to do a little hands on coaching? I have read and watched but something is not clicking. I may be a tool away from doing it right also. I can drop by to make it less trouble or would be happy to host. If I don't get a volunteer before Wednesday, I will bring a couple of problem pieces with me to the lunch in Apex.


New User
Andy, I'm not sure I understand what your asking. Are you still turning them or looking at sanding and finishing?


New User

I too am confused. Is the problem with finishing the turning, sanding, or finish on the final product?

I live fairly close by, and am willing to help you if I can, but need more information.



Board of Directors, Vice President
Good question. I think I have them at final form and perhaps thickness, though I think they will have to get a little thinner to completely smooth the end grain and tangential (I have some "pitting"). Those are my problem areas. Me and side grain get along real well; I am reasonably pleased with my spindle stuff. In carving I tend to leave a lot of burnished facets in end grain, but that cheat is not available on round bowls...


Board of Directors, Vice President

I was typing the previous reply when you posted. I can show you where I am with a couple of things. I will PM you later; I have to take a car load of screaming kids to "the Squeakquel" this afternoon.


Board of Directors, Vice President
I wanted to follow up and thank Jim for stopping by and spending a few minutes with me. It's always good to meet another woodworker. :) His suggestion was to use sanding sealer on the troublesome grain and then sand that down. I have started on that and will hopefully get time to sand more tonight. With the weather like it is, I brought the bowl and sealer inside for a while before I tried soaking it in yesterday. He also noticed that what I was calling foam (for backing the sandpaper) was much more rigid than he was suggesting. I was using a drywall sponge with new sandpaper wrapped around it.
Jim also brought over an example of how sanding sealer helped smooth end grain on a splated white oak bowl on a wooden bowl filled with wooden fruit which he won a first place ribbon at the state fair with! :icon_thum
There are some amazingly talented people on this board who are willing to help others learn. Thanks, Jim! :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap
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