Great (Wonderful) News!!!

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Alan in Little Washington

Alan Schaffter
Corporate Member

FYI, my wife (non-medical type) says that the chances of a second child being girl are a lot higher if the first one was a girl. Girls do woodworking, play soccer, baseball, etc. too. Of course they also require that dad pay for the wedding- you got a few years before that though! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Girls do woodworking, play soccer, baseball, etc. too.

My only real though was to carry on the last name (assuming he has kids).

I will encourage my kids to do what ever makes them happy. Now I will expose them to my hobbies and see if they are interested, this includes target shooting (I have the bosses permission)

Hee, hee, it's my first time saying kid(s). Feels weird/cool!
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Corporate Member

FYI, my wife (non-medical type) says that the chances of a second child being girl are a lot higher if the first one was a girl. Girls do woodworking, play soccer, baseball, etc. too. Of course they also require that dad pay for the wedding- you got a few years before that though! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Been there .... done this. We have four daughters, Gave up on the boy. I do have one wedding out of the way:eusa_danc . (Waiting on a grandson!:lol: )

Oh and the hand-me-downs really don't seem to go far either. Styles change.

Boy or Girl .... kids are great!



Congrats Tom

I know you wanted everyone to think boy,boy,boy,boy,boy,boy, but what if it's twins,twins,twins,twins,twins...... :rolf: j/k


Congrats Tom

I know you wanted everyone to think boy,boy,boy,boy,boy,boy, but what if it's twins,twins,twins,twins,twins...... :rolf: j/k

I keep telling my wife if we have more then one I am putting the rest back, but according to the early ultrasound there is only one.


New User
Tom, Congratulations to both you and your wife on this fantastic news!:eusa_danc :eusa_danc I know that both of you are having walking about 6 inches off the ground right now!
Speaking of cradles, I have the plans for a cradle from WoodSmith that I would be willing to loan out. If you check out the pics in my gallery, there are 2 of them in there. They both have been modified from the original plan. The closest to the plan is the oak one that just had a few spindles taken out to allow for the 2 boards with the initials. I also have the article from WoodSmith in PDF format that has complete instructions.
PM me and let me know if you are interested. I can email the PDF file to you if you want to look it over first.

P.S. Act quickly if you want it. I will be leaving sometime in the next week or so for Richmond, VA for an extended stay at VCU hospital. I will be undergoing Chemo and 2 bone marrow stem cell transplants. So, needless to say, I'm gonna be kind of busy. I will be there for 3 to 5 months.

Big Mike

New User
I gather you would like to have a son......:rolf:

Congratulations to you both! I hope you, your wife and your daughter as well as your new ???? are healthy and happy. That is what is most important. Regardless of whether it is a little boy or a little girl your daughter will think she is second mommy....:icon_thum


Speaking of cradles, I have the plans for a cradle from WoodSmith that I would be willing to loan out.

Thanks for the offer ,but there is a cradle in the family already. I made it 10 years ago and it goes to each newborn.


Corporate Member
Re: Great News!!!

Congrats Tom, there goes your shop time now. Better get started on the crib :lol::lol::lol::lol: Don't mention any of this to my wife, everyone she knows is having their second child, and I ain't ready for another one 8-O


Congratulations Tom!!!!!! You know what Dave you just jinxed yourself!!!


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Jim Campbell
I'm so very happy for you and your family!

Now you will have someone to sand and someone to finish...



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Terrence P. Rielly
Tom it's great news and I hope you get your wish for a boy. I have 2 boys and a girl and am very blessed with all, but my daughter is very special to me. She i8s now married and at 28 still can wrap daddy around her little finger and does it all the time but wouldn't trade boys or girl for anything. As long as Mom and Child are healthy end the end it make everything OK. I came from a large family with 8 GIRLS and I was the only boy and the oldest. From the oldest to the youngest is 27 years. NOW that is something. Congrats Tom to you and Mom! Terry:new_smili


Tom it's great news and I hope you get your wish for a boy. I have 2 boys and a girl and am very blessed with all, but my daughter is very special to me. She i8s now married and at 28 still can wrap daddy around her little finger and does it all the time but wouldn't trade boys or girl for anything. As long as Mom and Child are healthy end the end it make everything OK. I came from a large family with 8 GIRLS and I was the only boy and the oldest. From the oldest to the youngest is 27 years. NOW that is something. Congrats Tom to you and Mom! Terry:new_smili

Wow Terry, i think it is a good thing you where the oldest!

My 2 1/2yr old daughter already has me where she wants me and I wouldn't want it any other way. She is my favorite little person in the whole world. There is not a day that goes by that she does not put a smile on my face. My wife and I are excited about our new great adventure in life and welcome and love who ever the next little person happens to be. It is fun to hope for a certain sex (boy), but has no effect on the reality of us bringing another person into this world.

I hope that was not to deep for anybody.


New User
Tom, congratulations! We have a close circle of freinds and we all had at least two children within 3 years. Every single one was a boy (15 total).

We would love to have a girl, but feel the odds are against us. :eusa_thin


Tom, congratulations! We have a close circle of freinds and we all had at least two children within 3 years. Every single one was a boy (15 total).

We would love to have a girl, but feel the odds are against us. :eusa_thin

Mike, My brothers 3 best friends all had twins within 18 months of each other. My wife and I don't drink the water at his house :lol: .


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Pete Davio
Re: Great News!!!

we started out with a boy, he is now 7(were he here right now, he would of course, remind me that he is 7 and 1/2), and his little sister is now 2. My thinking is that by the time she is old enough to date, I will be to old to be much of a threat to her boyfriends (unless LOML lets me buy that shotgun ;) ) so that will be his job :D
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