Giant Mango bowl

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New User
Chris Kalai Allen
Hi everyone, first of all I have not posted for awhile because I had a problem with my thumb and my bandsaw:saw:, ouch!!! Well let me say my bandsaw was off and I was taking off the wheel pully so I could change the bearings in the saw, I did not have a puller so I cut out some wedges on my other bandsaw and I was pounding them on each side of the pully to force it off, it was working too and then bank the hammer hit my thumb and did it so hard it split the nail from side to side, the DR. said if I did not crack the nail he would have had to drill the nail to relieve the presure:thumbs_do , I am kind of bumed out because I can not turn or anything like that, I can't even play the piano, I like to play to relax, I am self tought and play by ear (mostly Georg Winston). That is whay I have not posted in awhile.

Here is a picture of my grand daughter inspecting a giant Mango bowl I made, it measures 24 inches in dia. and about 8 inches tall, it met with her requirements I guess:eusa_clap. I ran across a nail on the inside when I was finishing the bowl:cry_smile but that is common for Mango, it seems only the top branches dont have any. Take care and aloha.


Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason

I'm very sorry to hear about your injury. However, it will heal soon enough and you'll be making ENORMOUS bowls again before you know it. Get well soon buddy. :icon_thum

Cheers, :eek:ccasion1



New User
My thumb started hurting just reading your post. Ouch!! That's one nice looking bowl and granddaughter.


New User
Nice bowl Kalai! Must be a blast turning a bowl that large. I get a rush outta turning 15" bowls... I can't imagine turning one that big. Cool! :icon_thum


Staff member
Corporate Member
Wow that is some bowl.:eusa_clap I wonder how amny pounds of peanuts (in the shell) it cna hold?

Your granddaughter is a real cutie.


Corporate Member
glad the thumb's still attached and no worse than it is I'm sure it's more than bad enough hopefully will heal quickly
what a great bowl. I have to ask what lathe you use for something that large? I don't know anything about mango wood (or mangos/ mangoes/ mangi??? for that matter) I know I love the fruit woods apple, pear, etc that I've had the fortune of turning just how large does a mango tree get???
that is some super looking wood at any rate


New User
I have heard that if a bowl can't hold soup it's art. But what if it can hold a kid is it a bassinet?? :gar-La;:gar-La;:gar-La;

Either way it's a work of art in my eye, and a dang large one to boot.



New User
Beautiful bowl!

Beautiful granddaughter! (though not as beautiful as mine:gar-Bi)

But I gotta ask: where can I get one of those shirts for my new grandson?


That "bowl" looks like it could be a bath tub - I've often thought how cool it would be to have a turned bowl sink. Seems like it's doable - a hole in the bottom for a drain and maybe a nice wooden counter top to attach the sink under. They sell bartop resin finish so could be water proof.

Mango must be a real fast growing tree - the growth rings are very far spaced and huge - I don't believe I've ever saw growth rings that far spaced before... Is the wood soft? I like the color - That's a really nice bowl. I bet Earl is jealous :gar-La;


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Sorry to hear about your thumb misfortune, I hope it heals quickly. That is indeed an impressive bowl! What did you use to turn that beast, a propeller plane? :rolf:


New User
Chris Kalai Allen
Hi everyone, thanks my thumb is getting better, I know I will loose the nail but that is the way it goes sometimes, it is actually getting better faster than I thought, I can turn on the lathe now but I can't play the piano yet :( I thought it would be neet if I took a pic of my G daughter inside :)
Andrew I used my homemade lathe for this bowl my powermatic and general only go to 24" so I know I could not even true up this piece on those lathes so I used my BIG one, it can turn over 4 feet in dia.
Mango is a hardwood and can get very big, I have cut some down that were 5 feet in dia. there is a lot of Mango trees in Hawaii.
Jeff , I like your sink idea, it would work, I have made lamp shades from Norfolk Pine. That is just the grain of the mango you are seeing, it is very hard to see the growth rings in Mango, this bowl came frome a tree about 100 years old, it is a fast growing tree though, i don't like milling it because the sap is very sticky and will gum up any blade so I let the logs sit for about 3 months or more before I work with it, this is what helps give it nice color too.
Jerry, I will ask my daughter where she got the shirt, there is no need to tell you my grand daughter does not cry when I hold her :)
Thanks again for all the nice comments, aloha nui loa.


Dusty Sawyer

New User

That is one awesome bowl - Please post some info about your lathe! I'm just starting to turn larger stuff and want to find out what others are doing and what equipment they are using. By the way, what is a nain?




Administrator , Forum Moderator
And my wife says that our bowl turnings serve no purpose or have any practical uses. Well she saw this picture and has not said that since:rotflm:


New User
Sorry to hear about your thumb - I know what your are going through - I hit my little finger with hammer and it took my nail off and gave me five stiches - I have a picture in my gallery - Amazinly it healed fast - Great looking bowl - is Mango a hard wood to work with and how big does the tree get?
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