Extravaganza- Support our Troops Pen Turning Event

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New User
Guys do we have coverage for this event. We need to get a sign made up for Klingspor's. They want to help promote the event.

Monty and I are supplying MIDI lathes. I think Monty will be turning for some time. Who else is turning? What else needs to be brought? I have a few kits, but not too many. Who is bringing blanks? Will they be predrilled and tubed? These are the things we need to know. I'm starting the discussion. :D

Are we going to have more lathes for the event? Folks will be able to stop by and having a lathe that a nonmember can hop on and turn a pen for a troop would be a good way for them to get acquanted with us.

Lets firm things up for this part of the gathering.




New User
Thanks for starting this thread. Here is what we need as I see it:

1. Lathes - we can easily have two Delta Midi lathes (mine and Woodguy's)

2. Turning tools - I have some harbor freight tools I can bring - skew and roughing gouge should do the trick. I would like for one other person to brings a couple of tools.

3. Grinder - I have an 8" grinder with a Wolverine jig I can bring

4. Mandrels - Woodguy and I have mandrels we can bring that fit our lathes. If anyone has one they want to bring, feel free. If you have ususual bushing sizes you want to use, you better bring them with you!

5. Kits - Woodguy says he has some, but we need more of these.

6. Blanks - we need these. As I see it, we should ideally have these pre-drilled and glued and trimmed to length. I don't think we'll have a drill press at the show.

7. Sandpaper - we need this.

8. Finish - what would be best for good quality/durability, without taking as much time as the CA finish?

9. Sign - I'll send a pdf today for this.

Anything missing from the list?


New User
9. Sign - I'll send a pdf today for this.

Here is a "first draft" - check it out and let me know what ya'll think (pdf attached). I still need to finalize the size of it, and I need to know what room number to put on it. I'm pretty sure we'll need the arrow to point to the right, if the layout of the convention center is like I remember. Once I know the final size, I'll make a full-size pdf for the printer.


  • pensfortroops2.pdf
    103.9 KB · Views: 223

D L Ames

New User
D L Ames
That draft looks good to me Monty. You might want to add North Carolina Woodworker fliers to your list of things we need. If we are going to use this event to help promote our site then we need to have plenty of these fliers on hand to pass out. Just a thought.



  • The Virtual Woodworker.pdf
    89.7 KB · Views: 211


Clay Lowman
Let me supply the blanks. I will bring predrilled, preglued slimline blanks. How many? I'll start drilling. I know I can bring 20ish. More.. let me know. I can bring sandpaper in the grits of 220, 320, 400. I have some micromesh that is on it's last leg.. i mean last leg, but should last through the show. I can bring that too.


New User
Thanks for the offer, Clay. How many blanks? I don't really know - it really depends on how many you think we can turn in the course of a day. I have no real experience to go by.

Oh yea... one other kind of important thing I forgot to mention on the list.... we need TURNERS!!!! :eusa_danc I made up a quick "sign-up" list -- click here to put your name on the list if you want to volunteer!


I'm happy to turn. Until Friday I am using dial-up if anything so my kibbutzing will be minimal. I did add myself to the schedule, but can change my times - just need to know when and where you want me. If Klingspor wants to receive any credits, perhaps they can help with lathes or supplies.


New User
Here is a "first draft" - check it out and let me know what ya'll think (pdf attached). I still need to finalize the size of it, and I need to know what room number to put on it. I'm pretty sure we'll need the arrow to point to the right, if the layout of the convention center is like I remember. Once I know the final size, I'll make a full-size pdf for the printer.

I've sent the flyer you created to Coleman for the pen turning. Klingpor's is very interested in helping us promo the event. :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap


New User
I will turn with Cathy on Saturday. I have about 10 to 20 sets of blanks drilled and starting to tube I will bring. I will also bring some sand paper 120, 220, 320, 400, 600, 1200, 2000. We still need some quick finish. I will also bring my safety equipment, glasses, dust mask, ect.


New User
John, that's not the final version. I need to know the dimensions of the sign to provide the final version for printing. Also, what is the room number?


New User
we need TURNERS!!!! :eusa_danc

Wow - that was easy! Thanks to everyone for volunteering! Of course anyone can turn at any time if they want to, this just gives us a structured time to make sure that someone will be there all day long.

Thanks again -- looks like this is going to be a success!


New User
Can we use lacquer (spray) in the room?

I will be bringing some pen blanks and kits also for turning plus some that have been turned, but still need to be finished.

Is anyone bringing a pen assembly tool? Should I bring mine so we have an extra one?

I have some other finishes, rub on, etc that I will also bring as well as some tools for turning.

Anything else??


Mylands friction polish would be the fastest finish, Unless someone has a beall buffing system they could bring... I can do a CA finish in about 10 minutes start to finish. I wish I could be there but I have to work.


New User
No solvent based spray products of any kind in that room. Would you use spray lacquer in your own enclosed shop with no ventilation. I never use spray lacquer on pens anyways. You can do the mylands 3 step finish or a few coats of friction polish. I apply lacquer on the lathe much like I do the CA, but most guys won't be ready to handle that. CA finish is the best if you are an experienced pen turner that is what I'd do. First time pen turners should just use the simple friction polish.

Don't worry about direction, you can just put the sign on he other side of the door. Don'tworry about that detail. We will be in Room H. It will be down a the hall. from the main show. You might be able to find the layout of the Hickory convetion center online if you are really interested.


New User
I will provide my Midi lathe and a couple mandrels with slimline bushings. I have lots of pen turning stuff, but have so much stuff to bring for my classes during the show that I just can't bring it as well. I'll have a full trailer heading to the show as it is. I'll have totes and totes of stuff. :slap:


New User
Hmmm... "H" - that's a great location! I think the sign will work out well. I will PM the "final" version of the sign (with higher resolution for large format printing) to you.

Thanks for the offer of the pen assembly tool - I guess we'll need one of those too! Maybe Clay can bring his so we'll have one to work with in the morning. :)


New User
John, I know that you don't spray it in an unventalated area. But, having never been in in the Metro center, I have no idea what the faculities are like or what is available. I will bring the Mylands.
Is there anything else that is needed. Are there going to be more than 2 lathes?
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