Charlotte Woodworking Show—First Impressions

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Brad Keisler
So, I played hookie from work for half a day (I work in uptown Charlotte for one of the major banks) and made a beeline for the Woodworking Show.

As you may or may not know, I'm setting up shop from scratch, buying virtually everything woodworking related (I don't have scrapers, measuring tools, anything really, except my 22124 TS that I picked up last weekend, and basic handheld tools that I've used for various household projects).

I spent the majority of the day watching the salesmen and demonstrators pitching their wares, and writing down *advertised* show prices for items that I need to buy.

It appears that some of the Bessey K-Body clamp packages they are offering are very good deals. Klingspor's has some attractive prices on the majority of the Delta Power Tools they have there (average 10%–15% below retail—not including freebies like mobile bases, rip fences, etc.), and, the new Forrest WWII blade (raker every 5th tooth) they are demoing makes me wonder why hand planes haven't gone the way of the dodo—BTW, you can pick up an old FWWII for 79.99:-D

Freud has its blades and bits at decent discounts, and if you're looking for Incra or Kreg products, the packages they are offering appear to be discounted to some degree (I'm not in the market for these yet, so my knowledge/research is lacking). Peachtree Woodworking from Hotlanta has a very large collection of "necessities" available, and the Bosch rep was wheeling and dealing all afternoon:idea:

After coming home and spending several hours pouring through every woodworking retailer I can find (for the 10.000th time), I think I'll do well by flashing my checkbook and trying to hammer out a deal on a nice package of "big-ticket" items tomorrow (planer, jointer, bandsaw).:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

As an aside, the ATM machine they have onsite at the Merchandise Mart was broken, and the $4.50 hamburger was damn good.:rolf: Parking is $6.00 and 20oz drinks are $2.00 (I'm putting a cooler in the truck tomorrow).

Just noticed I put this in the Buy and Sell Tools forum…feel free, por favor, to move at will :p


New User
You're moved to Reviews, a more appropriate place, de nada y gracias for the info. I may have to make my way down there tomorrow, or to Greensboro if I can figure out when each one is going on:BangHead:



New User
hmmm... nice to know they added a raker on the WWII... that's one feature that the WWII didn't have vs. the In-Line blade. Of course, the other features of the In-Line (thicker carbide, cheaper) are the reasons I expect to be picking up a little something from the In-Line Industries booth tomorrow! ;-)

BTW - thanks for the review... I hope you can put together a nice deal on some fine machines tomorrow. I'm also going to be checking out some of the great freebie demos that are always at the show! :icon_thum

Steve D

Steve DeWeese
Buying lots of tools sounds like a great way to spend a Saturday, good luck wheeling & dealing.


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Ryan Sellers
Well I went over to the show today, and now I'm broke!:lol: Actually I managed to walk away without spending too much money. I picked up a Snappy drill bit/countersink/driver kit, I've been wanting to buy it for the past 3 years, and they had a very convincing salesman this year :wink:! They are a little pricey but they're American made and have a lifetime replacement guarantee, so how can you go wrong?

D L Ames

New User
D L Ames
Thanks for posting this review Brad. Unfortunately I was unable to see it until I got home from visiting the show today. To me, this show was a little smaller than years past. Another thing I noticed was that most of the machinery vendors did not bring a large stock of items to the show this year. I purchased a couple of items myself but will have to wait for them to be ordered first. I made arrangements to pick my stuff up at Klingspores in Raleigh once it comes in.

It was great meeting a bunch of other NCWW members at the show today.



I agree, it was really great getting to meet other NCWW's! The show was definitely smaller than in the past. We both found tools we really wanted - but DH showed remarkable restraint and we didn't buy any of the big items.:-( I wonder if there will be a show next year (and where it will be) since the property has been purchased by a church.


New User
I was able to visit Woodguy's shop and test drive his MM16 bandsaw Friday evening. BTW he has a very nice, well-stocked shop.

LOML and I had a great time at the show and I was able to leave empty-wallet style! I spent a lot of time at the Laguna and Minimax booths.

One of my purchases may lead to eventual post-delivery gloatdom. Hint: I spent a lot of time at the Laguna and Minimax booths.

We enjoyed meeting everyone. I'd like to thank everyone who pointed out some of the bargains, allowing me to purchase things I hadn't noticed on my first walkthrough. A special thanks to Cathy Skipper for distracting LOML at the Peachtree booth, where I scored a miter fence and DTI.

Also picked up the OLD style Forrest WWII for 80 bucks. It will be generating sawdust shortly!

D L Ames

New User
D L Ames
Chuck, it was great meeting you yesterday. It sounds like you made out fairly well at the show to. I'll have to join you in the post-delivery gloatdom forum when it happens. The LOML (aka CFO) graciously allowed (read encouraged) me to rub a few more numbers off our debt card yesterday as well.



New User
As usual, the highlight of the show was meeting some of the folks from the forum! It was great to see how everyone made out on some of the deals. Personally, I got a few small items that I was needing (ZCI, brass setup bars, things like that). I also ordered one of those In-Line blades. Unfortunately, I spent a little too much time at the Lie-Nielsen booth... :oops: That was a real budget-buster!!! I left with a lighter wallet and some goodies on the way! Full gloat to follow... :mrgreen:


New User
It was a great day. A very long day for Monty and I. I left with a lighter wallet from both shows. LN was the first stop for me followed by a trip over to the klingspore's booth to grab on of those T3 routers for $69. I just wish LN had the stuff I bought at the show. When I bought my 4.5 and my block plane they had both there. :( Now I've gotta wait for my camber soled plane and my dowel plate. Both were purchased for the rockers. The Woodline booth treated us well at the Gboro show. I mentioned I was an instructor and got an additional 10% everything. Got a multiprofile bit for less than $30. Great deal.

Well, back to the woodworking....

See ya,



Like John Richards (Woodguy) and Steve Coles, I had 2 great days of shows as well and scored extra discount on some Woodline bits in Greensboro and bought a 10-inch, 80-tooth ATB carbide table saw blade from an NC vendor for an astonishing $24 (we'll give a report on it once installed -- they had 12-inchers as well). On to Charlotte where we had fun meeting at least a dozen other NC WW'ers and busting the wallet on critical needs like more router bits, a ZCI for my saw, a Trend T3 router (deal of the weekend at $70) and some DC clamps. Enjoyed the camaraderie most -- dined at the nearby Olive Garden with Steve, John and Insomniac and chatted away for an hour on myriad subjects. Good show weekend -- let's do it again!


New User
Hey, I had lots o' fun! Entertaining ride down and back with Chris (navigator extraordinaire), checked out lots of cool stuff, made a minor purchase or two, and most importantly visited and revisited those fine NCWoodworkers :mrgreen:

Thanks to all,


New User
Dolan Brown
Well my pocket book got much lighter about 5 miles before we got to the show Friday.:crybaby2: :crybaby2: An intermittent front brake problem reared its ugly head again just before we got to the show. But this time we were almost in front of the Chrysler dealer when it got bad, so they were able to diagnose the problem and fix it. So 3 hours and $434 :crybaby2: :crybaby2: later we were on our way again, but to late to go to the show on Friday as planned. But the LOML and I enjoyed the show Saturday and Sunday. With the LOML along she gets to see what the tools do and it is much easier to justify their place in the wood shop.:mrgreen: We enjoyed meeting other NCWW's and putting some faces to the posts. Wayne from the Woodline booth came out before the show started Sunday morning and talked to us in the lobby. He recognized us from last years show (we bought his router template system last year). He also said the Merchandis Mart had been sold to a church and was not sure if there would be a show in Charlotte next year. I told him I thought Raleigh would be a good location. :mrgreen: He GAVE me several new templates for the system that he had refined since last year and two new PC bushings. I ruined one that came with the system doing something dumb, but he replaced it for free anyway. I had forgot that the kit had a life time warranty, even for damage by dummies.:BangHead:


New User
Well, I had a great time. bought a bunch of stuff that I might actually use.

On the way home on 64,just west of asheboro, the speed limit went from 45 to 55. So I accelerated. About a half a mile further the was a small orange sign just before a small intersection. I couldn't read the sign, it was too small for my eyes, but right after the intersection the was a sign showing the limit at 45, so I started to slow, I noticed the sign said 35 MPH:eusa_doh: Oh well, the 35 limit couldn't have been for more than 100 yds. by the time hit 45 limit I as down to about 48.

Another mile and I noticed the flashing blue light and looked at my speed and was now at 45. The officer was polite and even almost friendly, but he said I was clocked at 53 in the 35. I never agrue with a cop:eusa_whis , it makes things worse. So I just asked what the ticket would cost. He said it was a $50 offense. After he drove off, I looked at the summons and he was right $50, but he forgot to mention the $110 court costs.:saw: :eyeslam:

Sharp Blade

New User
Well, I made it to the show as well, but it was really kind of depressing for me because I could not spend a dime. LOL. I did miss meeting anyone, sorry for that. I was on a time restraint and had to get home by 1:30 on Saturday. I was wondering what people thought of the Route-R-Joint. Did anyone see that demo at Woodline?

D L Ames

New User
D L Ames
Steve, maybe if you would have offered him a maybe that new Trend T3 router you had in the backseat...........he would have let you off with a warning. Sorry to hear about your misfortune.


Steve D

Steve DeWeese
Wow, tools are fun to buy but brakes and tickets... ouch:BangHead: . I was disapointed that I couldn't make it. I'm on a tight schedule finishing up a pay cabinet job and couldn't give up the time. I'm glad everyone had fun and look forward to a future get together to meet some more of the folks.
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