Back by popular demand pop-pop's Tall Vise workshop August 26


New User
Pop-Pop's great criss-cross tall vise build workshop will be held again on August 26 at Charlie's workshop in Raleigh.

This will be the third annual tall vise workshop. Every student will create and take home this great vise designed by pop-pop.

Students will be required to bring pre-sized wood parts. We will supply all of the custom fabricated arms, bearings and other - basically all that you will need to complete this very useful vise.

For your review, Pop-Pop's tall vise instructions can be found under the resources tab

Cost for this workshop is $95 payable directly to Phil. Lunch will be served

We can handle six students plus we will except two on standby

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phil - do you want the funds sent to you now or do you prefer cash on the day of the workshop?

Bill J

New User
I'm afraid that I am going to have to drop out. I have been looking forward to this class since I heard about it but a can't miss conflict has come up. So I'm afraid that leaves 2 open slots. Similar to Mountain City Bill, I'll work on this on my own and ask Pop-Pop questions at the RTP lunches.


Corporate Member
Is there a source available for the prefabricated parts (arms, bearings, etc.) for making this vice on our own?

Flute Maker

New User
I won’t be able to attend but I would like a vise if someone has one they would sell. If someone does please private message me!!’ I could really use one!!!

Phil S

Phil Soper
Staff member
Corporate Member
We have two open spots to make this great vise - I have multiple vises in my shop, the tall vise is the one I use by far the most


Board of Directors, Vice President
Staff member
Corporate Member
This is a great workshop. Opportunities abound to use a variety of power and hand tools, meet other members, and have a great lunch. You leave with a tool that is work-ready!


Corporate Member
I'm looking forward to attending.

I downloaded the materials list. Assuming all cuts will be made at the workshop? We just need to bring squared stock, correct?

On the handle I'm assuming it needs to be 2" thick and 12" long. This one wasn't as clear. I don't see a width in the diagram either. Should it also be 2"?


Man with many vises
Corporate Member
I'm looking forward to attending.

I downloaded the materials list. Assuming all cuts will be made at the workshop? We just need to bring squared stock, correct?

On the handle I'm assuming it needs to be 2" thick and 12" long. This one wasn't as clear. I don't see a width in the diagram either. Should it also be 2"?
I’ll be sending a pre-workshop prep doc to participants soon.

Handle can be whatever you have. A lamination can add a decorative touch.


Still have open slots? This is very tempting but I have 41/2 hours to drive. A hotel stay is not out of the question for me depending on the start and end times, would you post the times for me please?


Man with many vises
Corporate Member
Still have open slots? This is very tempting but I have 41/2 hours to drive. A hotel stay is not out of the question for me depending on the start and end times, would you post the times for me please?
We usually start at 9AM and wrap up around 4PM or so.


Man with many vises
Corporate Member
Still two open slots for this workshop.

Will your vise conveniently hold a luggage rack leg for shortening?


New User
I'm looking forward to attending.

I downloaded the materials list. Assuming all cuts will be made at the workshop? We just need to bring squared stock, correct?

On the handle I'm assuming it needs to be 2" thick and 12" long. This one wasn't as clear. I don't see a width in the diagram either. Should it also be 2"?
David - Did you figure out the dimensions for the handle component? Did you go with 12x2x2? The diagram, if I am reading it right, does not match what is shown in the finished pictures of the vises.

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