
  1. L

    Major manufacturing job for bid CNC required!

    Hello We are accepting bids on a large scale production (1,000 plus units) of a new product made from MDF Ultralite material. It is a drum practice pad, and it is a 12'' round design, with 2 different tiered levels of different shapes. We would like to have it made in North Carolina. This is...
  2. MikeH

    Job searching...

    Hey all, I've not been on much lately and I really miss it. Work has been crazy. As many of you know I took a new position in January and it has not been what I was told. :eusa_naug I am in the process of updating my resume and I'm actively looking to make a change as soon as I can. One of the...
  3. TracyP

    Help with the new job

    Thank all of the fellow moderators for welcoming me, I will have an abundance of time on my hands next week after surgery. Surgery is on Monday. I would like to use this time to get used to my duties as a moderator so I am looking for advise on what I need to be doing for the site. What do I...
  4. SteveColes

    As a Site programmer or an Admin, how do I do my job

    cPanel, the site's controlling software (not to be confused with admincp) has been a primary tool for us to perform many of tasks that we do. Unfortunately, it is a single user system. There can't be multiple users and/or roles. One user id/password and ALL the power. So under the better...
  5. F

    HF Odd Job?

    Some are picking this up at their local HF store. Wonder if any of you saw it in the Carolinas? BTW, the HF link is: or Regards. Pinwu
  6. C


    Looking for anyone w/experience to build staircases in shop. If so just leave a message and I will let you know details.
  7. The WoodButcher

    Small job I did today

    :eusa_clap Hi all, just a few pix of a little job I did today. The guy got alot of wood for the money. :icon_thum The Guy even had his own kiln, you can see it in the background.
  8. The WoodButcher

    Bridge Job

    Hi All, I finished the bridge job today. They have some of the wood I cut installed now. It's Way Cool, knowing that I cut lumber for this bridge. The company I did it for, gave me a PO#, whats that? I told the guy I'd do that this time, but there won't be a next time if thats how they are...
  9. T

    1st commisioned job; How much charge $$$?

    Great news. I just landed my first commissioned project for builtin lockers like I did for my home a month ago except with an additonal bench seat that will double as storage bin. I am amazed that I now have a hobby that pays and flattered that someone thinks enough of my work to pay for it...
  10. NCPete

    WG, your next job is calling!

    popular woodworking senior editor
  11. Phillip

    Day job

    every now and then at work, they let me stop sanding or making face frames to do something else. here are some fir doors i just completed, still in the white (no finish) ready to be delivered to the finisher. i was standing on a radial arm table to take the pic so the scale and perspective...
  12. J

    New Job (touch-up / repair man)

    I took a part time job at night as a touch-up / repair man for a new furniture store that just opened. I'll be repairing case goods, fabric and leather. Sitting on my butt all day at the office is taking a toll on my mind and body. I decided to get out and do something in the evening that I...
  13. C

    First pro job

    Finally got the pics loaded from my first commish job.

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