1. Douglas Robinson

    3000+ Members!!!!

    In case you have not noticed we passed 3000 members this week! 3002 as I type this. Must be doing something right. :icon_cheers:eusa_clap:icon_thum:eusa_danc:banana:
  2. TracyP

    3000 Users

    We hit three thousand users today :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap
  3. C

    Worksharp 3000??

    What do I need to get for plane/chisel sharpening? Any extras you would recommend beyond the base package? Also - where to buy? I spent an hour flattening/honing a vintage Stanley blade on a NIB plane, made a few passes on some stock and the edge chipped. :eusa_doh: That translates to...
  4. S

    Worksharp 3000 $189 at Sears

  5. A

    Best price on a Work Sharp 3000?

    I am going to get a WS3000 to replace my Tormek. Seems like EVERYONE is selling the WS for $199.95! The best deal is Rockler who is including a spare glass disc and is just a few dollars cheaper than the same setup from Amazon w/free shipping. Now that the Greensboro NC store closed is there...
  6. Joe Scharle

    Work Sharp 3000

    Any real life experience with this? Thanks, Joe
  7. Splinter

    Teknatools Nova 3000 Wood Lathe NR

    Just doing a little lathe research. :lol: Anyone know anything about this lathe or have any experience with it? Or know the $$ value of it. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=004&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3APIC&viewitem=&item=140139174251&rd=1&rd=1
  8. cskipper

    3000 post - Angel door topper

    I couldn't think of a more appropriate way to have my 3001 post but with a picture of my latest project. This was ridiculously difficult to cut - my fault.

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