Roy Underhill to speak at May TWA meeting

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For those interested, the TWA will have Roy Underhill as their guest speaker at thier May 19th meeting. Guests are always welcome. The meeting will starts at 7:00 PM at the Klingspor Store on Capital Blvd, Raleigh. If you have never seen Roy in action you are in for a real treat.

For those who do not know, TWA is the Triangle Wood Workers


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Jim Campbell
Is it me, or is Roy becoming the Paris Hilton of North Carolina?

That's Hot (hide glue)!



Corporate Member
Scott, this is pretty cool. Thank you for the invite.

Can you tell us what other members of NCWW attend the TWA meetings? I've never been to one before and am curious which part of this riff raff to expect :gar-La;


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Mike, I do not know all the members of NCWW who are in TWA. TWA fills a different niche then NCWW. They have a lot of older members that are less web enabled. Older is not a bad thing. There is a lot of knowledge there. They have a great Toy's for Tot's program. Their monthly meeting features a lecture or a demo. Meeting start at 7:00 PM and go to 9:00. They have project based workshops (usually on weekeend). On meeting nights some folks meet at 6:00 at Buffalo Brothers for some food and talk.

Some NCWW members in TWA are:

Bill Anderson aka willarda
Bruce aka junquecoll
Roger aka Sapwood
Tom aka toolferone
Rick aka rcorne01

There more but that is off the top of my head.

Try to come out and see for yourself.


Corporate Member
Thanks again Scott. I am planning on attending the meeting. Who else is coming out?


New User
You know that I'll be there with you:wink_smil, besides this is looking like the first time in three years that I won't have someone in my family taking dance classes on Tuesdays. Freeing me to maybe join up.:icon_thum


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Splint Eastwood and I will be at Buffalo Brother's at 6:00. I am sure others will be there too. If you get there earlier just tell them you are with the woodworkers.


New User
I won't be able to get there early for food, because I have to wait for my wife to come home from work to watch the kids :gar-Bi.
Thanks for the invite anyway.
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