local curved plywood suppliers?

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Henry W

Corporate Member
Well as I hear it, the plywood at the local borgs dries out to nice, but unpredictable curves?!
Sorry I could not resist.



Corporate Member
I didn't know you could buy it. Easy to make with a circular saw, a guide/track and 5 minutes.


New User
Has anyone come across a local (NC) supplier of 1/2 or 1/4 round curved plywood. I'm looking for 12" radius 5/8 - 1/2" thick.

I don't understand "1/2 or 1/4 round curved". :confused:

Jasper Tools makes a good selection of router trammels for making accurate circles and a 12" radius (24" diameter) is doable. A similar circle/ellipse jig is available from Rockler.

http://www.jaspertools.com/products...&prod=Model-300 Circle Guide&cat=Circle Guide



New User
The 1/2 refers to 180 degrees or 1/2 circle. Sorry, I should have just included a sample url. Here is one supplier, but I was looking for someone within driving distance.


I'm looking for something similar to #374

I don't understand "1/2 or 1/4 round curved". :confused:

Jasper Tools makes a good selection of router trammels for making accurate circles and a 12" radius (24" diameter) is doable. A similar circle/ellipse jig is available from Rockler.

http://www.jaspertools.com/products...&prod=Model-300 Circle Guide&cat=Circle Guide



Corporate Member
Not sure of the radius but manufacturers who use rotary die cutting equipment make their dies using curved hardwood blanks like the ones you describe.
There are plenty such end users in this area so I would expect there to be a local source.

Try googling die boards
Ought to turn up something.
Most likely a manufacturer with local distribution.

good luck


Corporate Member
you could use bending ply and veneer it. I think Wurth group could order it.


Staff member
Corporate Member
I've used bending plywood before but never seen it in thicknesses greater than 3/8". I'm quite sure you could get it to bend to a 12" radius and laminate 2 pieces together for thickness. We've used it in drywall applications where the wall radius was as small as 8" and then skimmed it out. BTW, bending plywood is simply made by making the grains run parallel on all the plies. It's almost like someone at the factory did an 'oops' moment and decided it may be useful.

red f

New User
I bought a couple of 1/4 round 24" diameter pieces of plywood for a bookshelf project back in 2003. I ordered from a company in New Jersey or New York, I can't really remember. I DO remember having a very bad experience with them. The first time I called I could tell that the sales guy was having an argument/loud discussion with someone while taking my order. He wrote down the wrong dimensions, and I corrected him before we hung up. Two weeks later the wrong order showed up. It took another week for the correct order to get to me and the edges of it looked horrible with the shipping cardboard falling apart.
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