Intarsia Class with Mike Mathieu (wdkits1) - Who is interested?

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Board of Directors, Development Director
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What: Intarsia Class
Who: Mike Mathhiew (wdkits1)
For more info on Mike and his kits -
Where: May 9th at Bill's Shop (Bill can post or PM directions / address for anyone who doesn't know)
To Bring:
1. A scroll saw if you have one (two will be provided from the outreach trailer)
2. Dremel tool with assorted sanding drums
3. Drill with 1/16" drill bit
4. Glue
5. Sandpaper

Start time?
Mike - What kind of glue?
Mike - What grits of sand paper
Bill - Assuming the group can use your belt sander?
Mike - will that one belt sander be enough?
Mike - do the attendees need access to a spindle sander?

All please have a look at Mike's site
Also look at what a GREAT deal he is giving on the kit!!!


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I can also bring a Dremel tool and a Fordham carver with a lot of attachments. I just need to remember to do so when things get closer to the date. Suffer from OFD memory so need reminders closer to the workshop date.

Bill Clemmons

Corporate Member
What: Intarsia Class
Who: Mike Mathhiew (wdkits1)
For more info on Mike and his kits -
Where: May 9th at Bill's Shop (Bill can post or PM directions / address for anyone who doesn't know) Directions will go out via PM 2 or 3 days prior to the workshop. My zip is 27298, Liberty, NC if you want to check a map.

To Bring:
1. A scroll saw if you have one (two will be provided from the outreach trailer)
2. Dremel tool with assorted sanding drums
3. Drill with 1/16" drill bit
4. Glue
5. Sandpaper

Start time? We typically start the workshops around 10:00, which gives everyone time to get here. Looks like Woodkits and McRabbet will be coming the furthest. Does 10:00 work for both of you?
Mike - What kind of glue?
Mike - What grits of sand paper
Bill - Assuming the group can use your belt sander? Everything in my shop will be available for participants to use.
Mike - will that one belt sander be enough? I have a 1x42" sander that can also be used.
Mike - do the attendees need access to a spindle sander? I have an Oscillating Spindle Sander w/ 7 different spindle sizes.

All please have a look at Mike's site
Also look at what a GREAT deal he is giving on the kit!!!

See y'all on May 9.

Jeremy Scuteri

It looks like things are coming together quite nicely for the intarsia workshop.

1) We have an instructor: Mike Mathieu
2) We have people interested in attending: People who responded in this thread
3) We have a location to work in: Bill Clemmons shop in Liberty, NC
4) We have a date set: Saturday May 9, 2015 (with Sunday being a possibility if a 2nd day is needed)
5) We have a rough plan for what we are going to do: Rose Keepsake Box

We have not talked about cost for the workshop. Mike has offered the intarsia kits at the wholesale price of $20. They sell for $40 + $10 shipping on his website. This covers the materials that each of us will use and take home with us, but it doesn't include any compensation for Mike or Bill.

Before I say what the cost is, consider the fact that Mike really is an expert in this field and he has taught intarsia before. Mike lives 3 hours from Bill's shop in Liberty. That is a minimum of 6 hours in travel time, which doesn't include the time actually spent at the workshop. Bill is offering the use of his shop and equipment.

Neither Mike or Bill are charging anything for this workshop. A big thank you to both of them. :eusa_clap

I propose that we take up a small collection from those that attend the workshop to cover the money that Mike will spend on gas traveling to and from Liberty, NC. Just to be clear, Mike did not request this, I am requesting this.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on May 9th!


Corporate Member
I have a limited income, but I will be sure to bring and extra $10 plus $5 for pizza!

Jeremy Scuteri

We have had a great response for the intarsia workshop. Even with Bill's giant shop, there is a limit to the number of people that can be accommodated. The class is currently full. Thanks to everyone for the responses.


New User
Is there a list of who made the cut? <finger crossed>

We have had a great response for the intarsia workshop. Even with Bill's giant shop, there is a limit to the number of people that can be accommodated. The class is currently full. Thanks to everyone for the responses.

Jeremy Scuteri

Thanks to Bill for putting this list together. Let me know if you were expecting to be on this list and you are not.

Mike DavisMike
Matt FurjannicMatt



Corporate Member
Hey all. Good news and bad news.

Bad news for me, is that the most lovely, love of my life would like to spend Mother's Day weekend with our children. Can't really blame her. Because of this, I'll have to bow out of the class.

The good news is that hopefully, this is early enough that someone else can slip into my place for the class.

Have fun, take pics,



New User
I am a new member and would be interested in the class. If this one is full maybe another can be scheduled.

Jeremy Scuteri

I am a new member and would be interested in the class. If this one is full maybe another can be scheduled.

The way these things are generally handled, is we start a "standby" list. As the class gets closer we will have a better idea of a head count and then depending on how many people can be accommodated and the number of people that have cancelled, more spots open up. It looks like you have the top spot on the standby list.


New User
Bruce Swanson
Count me in. Most anytime, anyplace. Scroll saws could be used, but usually a special hand operated fret saw is used. Most are home made, and use really small scroll saw blades. We have another master intarsia crafter in the WS area, her last name is Richardson, wish I could remember her first name. I have sat through 2 of her demos, and she is a great teacher. A search on the internet may produce plans for an intarsia fret saw.

Bill Clemmons

Corporate Member
Now that I have a usable saw I am very interested

Dirk, you were on the original sign up list, so I've confirmed your attendance. Will you be bringing your scroll saw?

Count me in. Most anytime, anyplace. Scroll saws could be used, but usually a special hand operated fret saw is used. Most are home made, and use really small scroll saw blades. We have another master intarsia crafter in the WS area, her last name is Richardson, wish I could remember her first name. I have sat through 2 of her demos, and she is a great teacher. A search on the internet may produce plans for an intarsia fret saw.

Bruce, I've added you to the "stand-by" list (#2). As we get closer and see who is still planning on attending, we'll know if we have room for more.
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