Google Maps of Woodworking Resources in/near NC


Nice map. Is there a way to sort the list by alphabet? It seems to be sorted into chunks with each chunk sorted alphabetically. I could not figure out what the chunks were. Using ctrl-f in the browser window does work, though.

I would suggest adding the Got Wood? folks:
They are a good source for green, air dried, and kiln dried turning blanks. Sizes and wood types vary over time. Their newsletter lets you know what they have queued up for their kiln. If you want spalt-free blanks (that are not already specified that way), you can call them and they will usually work with you to get what you want.

Also, thank you.


Corporate Member
Nice map. Is there a way to sort the list by alphabet? It seems to be sorted into chunks with each chunk sorted alphabetically. I could not figure out what the chunks were. Using ctrl-f in the browser window does work, though.

I would suggest adding the Got Wood? folks:
They are a good source for green, air dried, and kiln dried turning blanks. Sizes and wood types vary over time. Their newsletter lets you know what they have queued up for their kiln. If you want spalt-free blanks (that are not already specified that way), you can call them and they will usually work with you to get what you want.

Also, thank you.
The data is sorted by the place holders on the tag for each location. I've never gotten a good download of the map data. Google makes scrambled eggs out of it. The most recently updated map is always at the link addresses.
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The data is sorted by the place holders on the tag for each location. I've never gotten a good download of the map data. Google makes scrambled eggs out of it. The most recently updated map is always at the link addresses.
Thanks for the post about the blue circles. I got that in my email. I had tried clicking on the name in the list, but had not gotten around to clicking on a blue dot until your post. Oddly, it is not here.

I cannot see placeholders for the tags.
Based on the addition of Got Wood? to the list (thank you from an appreciative customer of theirs), I suspect that the list is sorted by when they were added to the list and they tended to be added in clumps in alpha-order.


Corporate Member
This is what my screen looks like on Windows 11 when I open the map (disregard the box on the left). The box with the business name, contact, address, etc (place holders) pops up when you click on the blue markers.

John Gerken

New User
Very cool and useful resource! There are a number of resources by me that I didn't know about. Thanks for creating and sharing this.

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