First pen sales

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New User
I made my first pen sales today, other than the ones to family and friend. I had a few for sale on consignment and they sold well, so the gallery asked to buy the whole lot. They are for sale here - in Wilmington. I would have liked to make more money, but $20 a pen in a wholesale market is OK by me, it funds the habit :-D :-D :-D

Now to get some more pen kits :eusa_danc :eusa_danc :eusa_danc :eusa_danc :eusa_danc



Corporate Member
Congrats Dave! They don't have a link to your pens on their site. How many pens did they buy?


New User
Way to go, DaveO! It's always a rush to know that people dig your work enough to pay for it. I love it when the galleries pay up front instead of consignment. :eusa_danc


New User
The website is in serious need of updating, I don't think that the owner is much of a computerr user :eusa_doh:
They bought 10 pens first and have requested that I keep my display full, so I better get a few more made.


Corporate Member
Congrats Dave!:eusa_danc :eusa_danc :eusa_danc :eusa_danc :eusa_danc :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap

Fire up the pen assembly line and "turn" over a bunch of new tool $$$'s.

Great News!



New User
If you could, please post some pictures of the pens that sold for $20.00 to the consignment shop.
Selling whole sale and selling consignment are 2 differnet things.
Normally a retail does a 100% mark up or more but you get paid up front.
Consignment is a little bit trickier, it depends on the traffic in the store.
COnsignment can go from around 25% to 50% and more.
I realize it is great to have someone pay for your work,and I don't want to diminsh your success , but after subtracting the cost of the kits, materials, utlities and your time, it sounds like they got a bargain(which is why they wanted you to supply them more.
If I read your post right, I Am wondering if this is still a consignment deal or are they paying you up front for the pens you restock?


New User
Great Dave :eusa_clap
:eusa_thin So you stole the bread board idea from Barouke's. I stole their clock design. :eusa_shhh FredP and Dozer copied that :roll: And now you're selling THEM pens :lol:

Hmmm, you should spend part of the earnings to buy pens from KMI for "pennance" :rolf:



New User
If you could, please post some pictures of the pens that sold for $20.00 to the consignment shop.
Selling whole sale and selling consignment are 2 differnet things.
Normally a retail does a 100% mark up or more but you get paid up front.
Consignment is a little bit trickier, it depends on the traffic in the store.
COnsignment can go from around 25% to 50% and more.
I realize it is great to have someone pay for your work,and I don't want to diminsh your success , but after subtracting the cost of the kits, materials, utlities and your time, it sounds like they got a bargain(which is why they wanted you to supply them more.
If I read your post right, I Am wondering if this is still a consignment deal or are they paying you up front for the pens you restock?

Eagle, I was waiting for you to chime in on this issue. I really wish that the owner could check out sites like the IPA to get a better handle on pen quality.
This is a basic example of what I have sold -

Primarily burl and figured wood chrome cigars, with a few segmented SL and cigars thrown in also.
The biggest problem is in the fact that they carry another turners pen stock...24K gold SL and cigars in standard cabinet shop scrap Cherry, Walnut and Mahogany with a friction polish finish, and they are retailing for $27.50. I told her that my pens should sell for at least $45-50 each, which is what they are retailing for now. She didn't understand the difference in platings, wood quality and finish quality (mine's CA).
I sold one pen on consignment for $32, and then the others were bought up front for $20 each, I also include a box with the pens.
I am doing better than breaking even on the sales, but wish it was better. I turn pens for the fun of it, and I had accumulated a stock of around 30 pens that I didn't have any noticable screw ups on them (I've only been pen turning since last Nov.) Many of those went as gifts, and the remainder have gone to the store. I look at it like this, they could be sitting in my house collecting dust (and being misplaced by my 3 yr. old daughter :eusa_doh: ) or I could sell them for a small profit, to fund my hobby.
I would much rather find the opportunity to be the retailer of the pens, but I haven't yet found that outlet.

My next batch of pens will be something different than Cigars, Euro and modified SLs, so that I won't have a direct compairisons between mine and the other turner's. I also will request a higher price as the kits will cost me more. I would expect to have the pens purchased by the store for my wholesale asking price.

Anyone one in the Wilmington area drop by the Barouke store on Water St. (in the Old City Market), and let her know what nice pens she is selling...and how she should pay me more :-D :-D :-D



Corporate Member
Congratulations Dave!

It is quite an honor to have a store buy your pieces. I wouldn't worry too much about profit yet, with my first two comission jobs (the A&C ent. center and the maple cabinets), I made $4.50 / hr. on both. We're young, we have time to learn to price our work higher :lol: . As a non-turner, I do think the pens should go for more. I won one of dozers's pens at the picnic, and I am still in the admiration stage (I can't bring myself to use it yet). I look forward to seeing some more pens!



New User
Burl, $4.00 kit minimum(cigar or if on sale $2.95) and a box, what kind?card board or wood?
Sandpaper,finishing materials,gas to drive to the store, utilities,wear and tear on equipment,your time going to the store is a double loss because you are not in the shop.
I learned a long time ago that it is easier to down in price than up.
To be brutally honest you are not only not breaking even you are selling at a loss but more importantly doing a disservice to yourself and others that do quality work with better than average materials.
Take for example the other pens selling with the friction polish. selling for $27.50.ASk the owner to carry and use one of both yours and the other for 2 weeks and compare the appearance.
AS far as those 30 pens, donate them to a hospital gift shop, end them to the troops.
Keep them, burn them.
"A worker is worth his labor"
MAke 2 simple slimlines to establish what you would consider a $20.00 wholesale pen to establish a price point.
Show the friction finish and a CA Then break out the Burls, more expensive kits, acrylics ect.
Don't sell yourself or your work short.
DO you want the reputation of making "cheap pens" or a reputation that do you good work and deserve to be paid for your craftsmanship?


New User
Chris Mathes
Interesting thoughts, Eagle. I have really had a hard time pricing my pens and sometimes feel that I am a bit full of myself. Unfortunately, I still only feel comfortable with my pricing based on the fact that I am supporting a and not making a living. I just very well may print your comments out to remind myself why they are worth more...



New User
No malice intended, I call em as I see em.
Just from my perspective.
AS an example I make a wooden core for my casing pens.Why because I have had the components fail when I tried the shrtcut methjods like many other do.
Two casing pens will look the same,I am not worried about mine falling apart as I have seen with shrink wrap, arrow tubes etc.
Yep you can buy cheap casings tubed for a couple of bucks.I have heard one instance where they do not turn concentric(probably drilled the fast way on a DP, not as accurate as drilling on a lathe.)
It boi;s down to attention to detail and pride in craftsmanship.
Same thing with a friction finish. it looks good but for how long?
No finish will last forever but it should last longer than a week or two.
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