
  1. kooshball

    Any clear vue mini cyclones out there?

    I see on the clear vue website that they are no longer selling the mini due to legal battles with Oneida and their dust deputy. Did they every get these into the retail chain or were they only sold directly from clear vue? I would like to buy one but perhaps I am far too late and will have to...
  2. WoodWrangler

    Clear Vue Cyclones?

    A good friend of mine just purchased the "Clear Vue Cyclone" for his hobby shop. He swears by it, and I've never heard of it. Are you familiar with the brand? What are your thoughts? My shop so badly needs good dust collection!
  3. SteveHall

    Clear Vue dust collector experiences/tour?

    Would anyone in the Triangle/Raleigh Area with a Clear Vue dust collector mind giving me a tour of theirs? After reading Bill Pentz's site on dust collection for a few days, I think I've nearly given up my initial impulse to get a Harbor Freight DC with the 0.5 micron Wynn Environmental...
  4. wapitiscat

    Clear Vue cylclone

    Here goes .... another DC/Cyclone thread. I'm looking to upgrade my Jet DC-1200 DC with a cyclone separator and came across this option ( after visiting Bil Pentz's site. I have an AFF oversize bag on the Jet and an ill fitting trash can separator for the chips...

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