
  1. CV-04 Purple Thumb Filter Cleanout

    CV-04 Purple Thumb Filter Cleanout

    Jerry added a simple MDF box for his filter clean out and used a 6'' ClearVue Blast Gate on it.
  2. CV-03 Purple Thumb Underside of Dust Bin Cover

    CV-03 Purple Thumb Underside of Dust Bin Cover

    Here is Jerry's Dust Bin Cover -- He routed a groove that mates with the metal rim of the Bin with a circle jig and then cut the hole for the duct coming in from the cyclone.
  3. CV-02 Purple Thumb Closet and CV Blower

    CV-02 Purple Thumb Closet and CV Blower

    Jerry has mounted the CV on a CMU wall and is building a closet that houses it and his compressor. Wynn Filters at right.
  4. CV-01 Purple Thumb Dust Bin

    CV-01 Purple Thumb Dust Bin

    Jerry Grant uses a fiber drum on rollers for his dust bin. It has a hinged lid held down with bungee cords -- see CV-03 for the underside (just a simple groove for a seal)
  5. michaelgarner

    Purple Heart Tables.

    Sorry for the bad pics, the camera had dust on the lens. This was done for a customer. M&T finished with Maloof oil and wax. Pretty simple design.

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