MBF 5/4 Black Walnut for sale

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Corporate Member
I'm still in. Mark (tarhead) has offered to pick up my share as LOML has other ideas of how I should spend my Sunday :-((

Sorry I won't get to meet everyone. Maybe next time.



New User
John Macmaster
No that won't do I really need some more wood, hehehe.
jumping up and down, I'm next on the list, sniff, sniff.
Just kidding.

I am really looking for a good deal on some cherry, but I am finding that it is pretty pricey.


Senior User
Hi guys:

I'm good to show up on this Sunday. Just need final confirmation on the time and place.

Definitely need to cut 16'ers down to fit in my Mystery Machine. I'll bring a handsaw in case it comes down to that (secretly hoping it doesn't come down to that :eusa_pray )

If someone brings a chainsaw, I'll bring a hockey mask - keep the chips out of the eyes, ya know.



I just read a PM from Kevin (Turtlewood) and we exchanged telephone numbers. I expect we'll talk tomorrow and nail down the pickup time and place.

I also received a few PM's about other lumber, mainly the QS red oak I've been trying to find time to finish. I think we'll have to do that another time, 1000 BF is a rather size-able load for my trailer, I'm sure it will breath a sigh of relief once we unload it .

I was thinking about bringing a chain saw but decided against it. Even though I love running my chainsaw, I suspect if I fired it up in the HF parking lot it might draw a little unwanted attention. I think the battery operated CC is a way better idea.

I really couldn't ask to be in a better position. I get to help Ted move a 1000 BF that he's been sitting on for a long time and you guys get some Black Walnut 5/4 black walnut @ $1.50 a Board Foot, the only thing that could top that off would be a nice cold Bock beer :-D.



New User
That's what this site is all about! Kudos to Jeff! :eusa_clap
What time on Sunday? I may drop in to meet some folks (and say HI to those I've already met).


New User
on the morning of the 13th I will be going to the Raleigh area by way of Wall Lumber from Winston-Salem to pick up some ply and maybe cheap ash for some shop projects. I wouldnt mind picking up some extra if anyone needs and dropping it off on the 14th.

it is my parents van so dont particularly want to load it down big time. any idea what weight I could haul in it and not kill any shocks or anything? hehe. I am pretty sure that I can buy plywood and lay it horizontally on the floor.

1990-2004 Chevrolet Astro Specs & Safety

and i'll throw my hat into the ring if there are any left over walnut scraps too :-D


If any short wide pieces fall by the wayside, let me know. I didn't want near enough to chime in. Sounds like you guys are getting a great deal!


New User

Here it the latest round up on the Black Walnut Group Buy:

200 bf: Turtlewood (confirmed for Jan 14th)
100 bf: fernhollowman (confirmed for Jan 14th)
100 bf: Tarhead (confirmed for Jan 14th)
100 bf: NCPete (confirmed for Jan 14th)
100 bf: michaelgarner (confirmed for Jan 14th)
100 bf: rherrell (confirmed for Jan 14th)
100 bf: Mike Davis (confirmed for Jan 14th with rherrel picking up)
100 bf: Pete M (confirmed for Jan 14th with Tarhead picking up)
50 bf: hpm67 (confirmed for Jan 14th with Tarhead picking up)
100 bf: deferred by fernhollowman to mkepke (confirmed for Jan 14th)

All are now confirmed for this Sunday. Apologies to those who were not able to participate, but hopefully this is only the first of many group buys.

In all honesty, you definitely can save some money with the buying power of the group buy when opportunities like this present themselves. So if all goes smoothly, I hope that there are more in the future. :eusa_danc

I spoke with Jeff this afternoon and we're hoping to start the fun at 11:00am. If there are a lot of folks who can not make it that early, we can push it back to 1:00pm but would prefer not to as it would leave less time to complete the buy and for everyone to get back home.

Also, for those who want to be contacted if something goes wrong with getting the wood to the HF parking lot, please PM me your phone # and I will try to contact those that I can.

The only thing left to decide is how to distribute the wood to everyone off the trailer in the fairest fashion. Right now I'm thinking of two different methods:

Method 1:
We break down the trailer to 10 different 100 bf piles dropping boards one by one-ish across each pile. Each person could oversee a given pile to keep count to ensure that it's close to 100 bf. Then we draw numbers out of a hat and allow folks to pick a pile in order of the number they draw.

Method 2:
Draw numbers out of a hat and and each person picks out their about off of the top of the pile in order of number drawn.

Each has it's pros/cons. Please let me know if anyone has a preference, or another suggestion.


Jim Murphy

New User
Fern HollowMan

I'm good for 11:00.

Regarding methods, I don't like method 2 which involves cherry picking (no... walnut picking) through the pile. It's possible the bad stuff is on top and the good stuff on the bottom, or vise-versa. Randomness approaches serendipity.

I like method 1, except as I PM'd you, I think that assigning the piled up wood based on a number drawn from a hat, rather than selecting the pile based on the number you draw, would be faster. as there's no deliberation on which pile to choose.

With at least nine or ten people, we could set up an arrangement where there are four teams of unloaders (two per team) and two tally men. (Tally persons, I 'm sorry. One measures, the other calcs and records on a sheet). Unloaders drop board in piles, tally men (person, darn it) measure and record running BF in pile. When unloaded, a final tally is made and adjustments as needed are made to equalize the piles.

So, to further complicate things, I suggest Modified Method 1 where, after the 10 piles are created, you draw a hat number and whatever number you draw is your pile.

We will need some chalk, though. To number the piles.
And a tally person, who knows the difference in cubic feet and board feet. Obviously, I don't.


What time does Klingspoor open on Sunday?

Jim Murphy

New User
Fern HollowMan
Seven pictures of the President who drove the Cherokee out of Georgia onto the trail of tears (also the hero of the War of 1812 and the ONLY American President to pay off our debt and serve with no budget deficit)

and one picture of the first Secretary of the Treasury, who died in a duel at the hands of one Mr. Aaron Burr. AKA $150.00


Senior User
I like the suggestions so far, but maybe a Tweaked Modified Method 1 ?: 11 piles.

Stop at 50 bf-ish and draw a pile for hpm67.

The remaining 10 piles are up-sized to 100 bf ish. The remaining names draw a pile, except Turtlewood draws twice (2 piles) to reach his 200bf.

If all boards are ~16', there should be <10 boards in a 100 bf pile.

Then swapping, cutting, loading ensues. I have visions of a 3 Stooges scene :lol:

I'll bring chalk, a handsaw and some extra tie-downs in case somebody needs 'em.

BTW, 11 am on Sunday the 14th is fine with me.

Jim (fernhollow..) - if I haven't said so already: thanks.



New User
ok friends,
I have a hurdle, I have the money but SWMBO informed me that I have two B-day partys to go too that day. Anyone willing to pick up my wood and I will get them the cash in advance? If there isnt any room with anyone else then someone will have to take my slot in the wood deal. Sorry to be the thorn!!


Corporate Member
I'll be there at 11. I agree with Jim on his idea for a modified version of #1 (ie:make 10 stacks of ~100bf and an extra of ~50bf if there is enough, number each stack, draw a number, it's yours, no whining:-D ) If anyone wants to swap lengths, widths, colors, etc they can do that on the side.

I will have my bed extender and will be happy to take some of the longer lengths as long as my front wheels stay on the ground:eusa_pray .


New User

Sorry, I forgot to confirm the question on price. It's 1.50 a bf so if you're in for 100, that's $150.

Jim and Mark, I like your modified 1 idea. We'll number the piles and the number you draw is the pile you get.

Mark, I don't think that all the boards are 16 footers, so hopefully we don't have to cut every board down.

I was worried that some wouldn't want to take the additional time to breakup the wood into seperate piles off the trailer. So it's good to see that no-one so far as an issue with it.

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