Wynn Filter Paddle Cleaner

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Corporate Member
Just spent 2 hours + trying to clean a bunch of fine dust from the inside of my Wynn filter. After removing the filter, I used my compressor to try and propel most of the dust caked on inside each pleat of the filter and vacuuming. I think I got it pretty well cleared out, but am thinking that there has to be an easier method.

I had a look at a link that I got from a fellow member that illustrates a home grown version from Wynn Environmental.


Is there anyone else here with a similar dilemma and have any ideas for incorporating a paddle system for the Wynn 35A kit?

I really need to find a better solution as both my neighbors and my lungs were pretty upset this morning!:embaresse:embarrassed:

Any ideas would be appreciated. (ie have you tried the paddle system described in the link?)




New User
I bought a Grizzly cartridge with the paddle in it just because the Wynn didn't have a paddle. Cost more but I think (when I remember to turn the flapper) my filter stays cleaner.

Dan Bowman

New User
Dan Bowman
I tried using my compressor to blow from the outside in, and thought I was doing a good job of cleaning the pleats, but then I stumbled (literally) on just whacking the outside with my open hand, all around the filter. Wow, does that clean out the filter!


New User
hrmm, how often does the filter need to be cleaned, I might need to do that myself. Can you tell from looking at the outside?


New User
I have heard the best way to keep it clean is to use a pre-separator like a Thien Baffle or a cyclone. This should significantly cut down on the amount of dust that gets caught in your filter.


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
I have heard the best way to keep it clean is to use a pre-separator like a Thien Baffle or a cyclone. This should significantly cut down on the amount of dust that gets caught in your filter.
Not really. It cuts down on shavings and chips getting caught in the filter (hard to get those out!), but the really fine dust does make it past the separator. It takes longer for the filter to get saturated, but you do need to clean it regularly.

Not one of my favorite jobs. Not as bad as setting jointer knives, but not fun.


Corporate Member
hrmm, how often does the filter need to be cleaned, I might need to do that myself. Can you tell from looking at the outside?


I really couldn't tell by looking from the outside of the filter. With myself as a hobby woodworker, the last time I cleaned mine was about a year ago.:embarrassed: (I have a Thien baffle and separator as well.)

Decided today to get a little more vigorous with my cleaning, so in addition to emptying the trash can and bottom bag on the DC, I removed the filter and found a lot of fine dust caked up on the inside of the filter. - A good thing, as far as my lungs are concerned, but sure did begin to seriously restrict the air flow on my old HF DC. After a lengthy session of tapping the sides of the filter, vacuuming repeatedly and a good strong dose of compressed air, I managed to clear it.

I probably waited too long for the exercise.

I just think that if the filter had a paddle of some sort, with regular use, it would shake some of that fine dust down into the bag for discarding as opposed to today's dust storm event in my back yard!


bobby g

Corporate Member
I have an Oneida system and struggled to get the cartridge clean with compressed air and hand slaps. Then I resorted to reading the manual in which they mentioned using a gentle water stream. This works well after the initial air treatment. I have a pressure gage in my system and I'm able to get the filter clean enough that it reads zero again (zero what I don't know). I need to do it on a sunny day and need to let it dry for several hours before reuse. This leaves me time to clean the shop, work on equipment , sharpen hand tools, etc. or take LOML to lunch and a movie.

bobby g


New User
guess I know what I'll be doing this weekend, I've thought the airflow on my DC seems to be pretty bad recently. :gar-Cr


New User
I just whack mine with the flat of my hand...you can see a bunch of dust fall into the bag. Seems to work fine...Bas once said "don't go all Rambo on it"....no rubber dead blow mallets:gar-La;


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Bas once said "don't go all Rambo on it"....no rubber dead blow mallets:gar-La;
Did I say that? I now retract that statement. There's nothing like an all-out attack with a bright orange Harbor Freight dead blow mallet agains the infernal filter. Almost as therapeutic as firing 1000+ brads with a nail gun :qleft7::qleft7::qleft7:


New User
omg, I cleaned my filter and my HF DC improved so much. It used to not suck up small chunks of wood, now it does :embaresse

I used alot of compressed air on the inside with the shopvac sucking from inside the wynn filter as I released huge plumes of dust. I blew out each pleat and lost count after about 90 pleats.

Alan in Little Washington

Alan Schaffter
Corporate Member
It seems this thread needs some straight talk about cyclones and other separators, fine dust, cartridge filters, beater bars, filter cleaning, etc., but . . . .

Travis Porter

Corporate Member
I screwed up several times and overflowed my cyclone to where the filter filled up. I tried the air gun route, but unlike Bobby G, I didn't use water on mine as the metal frame had started separating from the filter and I had already reglued it once.

I think washing it out with water would be one of the best ways to clean it and keep the dust down.


New User
+1 on getting a canister with a paddle on it. So much easier to just give a couple of turns on it before you use it to keep it clean.

Not sure why the Wynn doesn't have one with their cannister.
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