WIP Pics of Black Palm Pen...
The blank cut in half, ready for drilling...it looks very ominous doesn't it!!:eusa_pray
The pen mounted on the mandrel (that's its name right?) Coated in CA..I only glued my fingers together once!! :BangHead: I was very proud of myself!
Mike showing me proper technique while Ms. Katie inspects the quality of our work. I must say that Mike and Family are GREAT hosts! Katie will be turning them out before too much longer. :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_danc:eusa_clap:eusa_clap
Progress from today, rough and round, we cut the tenon on the front half. Mike, can you help me out here, I don't remember the name of the kit we're using! Unfortunantly I have to sleep sometime. I'm on third shifts now so I left work this morning, ate breakfast w/ Mike, ran to WC, played w/ my crib parts, started on this pen and now I'm home to sleep, then to work at 9:30.
Mike and I also grabbed a big bag of blanks from Woodcraft this morning, and since WC had their pen kits 30% off I got four more kits. I'm already planning how to use Mike's lathe more! (and we even managed to get the arches cut for my crib project...wip pics for that will be posted later) :icon_thum:icon_thum
Thanks again guys for all your input! After all the warnings I don't think it turned all that bad, being this is my first pen and I didn't make it explode yet. (but that could have a lot to do with Eagles advise, Thanks again!)