Turner Goes Straight

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New User
Trying to go straight.


After starting woodworking as a turner, a friend's wife commissioned something different. I was very pleased with the result and want to hear what you think. Criticisms, Comments, etc. All are welcome.

Cross is Red Oak, circle is Maple with ERC inlay.

Now comes the hard part, what to charge her.



Administrator , Forum Moderator
Nice looking project. Guess once you learn to turn you can do anything!


New User
I think it's beautiful, but there is a circle in there....you're not totally straight :icon_thum:icon_thum:icon_thum

As far as what to charge your wife for it, I say several kisses and a big hug, remember you never want to undersell your work :cool: and that stuff is as good as gold :icon_thum:icon_thum

But seeing as it's your friend's wife you might not want to go there :embaresse:embaresse:eusa_naug:eusa_naug:eusa_naug:eusa_naug:eusa_naug

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New User

Since it was a friends wife who asked me to make it, I think payment in kisses and hugs wouldn't be very appropriate for payment.

And yeh, it still has a circle in it, but old habits are hard to break.



Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Wonderful post Jim. Great evidence that yes, you can turn back to the light. Nobody is lost forever. The Dark Side has not driven the squareness out of you.

It's a beautiful looking piece. But as how much to charge, that's difficult to say. I'm pretty sure that if you charge your actual time, materials, tools & shop, you'll lose a friend. At least, I would - I'd probably have taken five months and charged five figures....But you don't want to sell your work cheap either.


Staff member
Corporate Member
Jim, you did a great job. I am very impressed. As for pricing I once read you should charge between $10.00 and $20.00 per hour plus materials. The lower rate if just a hobby and the higher if you do it for income. I sell some of my pieces and most of the time I charge less especially for friends. Only issue you could face is not telling them up front how you would charge them.

Don Sorensen

New User
Yessir, that's some pretty work.

All this talk of selling makes me hope I can get good enough at scrolling to finance the rest of the shop....but would I have time to play in the rest of the shop?
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