Tough day

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Pete Davio
The owner didn't give much consideration to his P&L, he will have to pay an increase in UI premiums to do this, ultimately paying a lot more for this favor to his old friend than he would have if he had brought him in at a lower position, and kept you, too.

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
The owner didn't give much consideration to his P&L, he will have to pay an increase in UI premiums to do this, ultimately paying a lot more for this favor to his old friend than he would have if he had brought him in at a lower position, and kept you, too.

Exactly. :thumbs_up:thumbs_up

wow you are taking this better than i would.

I'm sure there are certain circumstances that would make this a lot worse, but as for right now, this is an opportunity, not a loss. Haven't found the opportunity yet, but it will soon become apparent. :icon_thum


Corporate Member
Dang bro, sorry to hear about your bad turn of events. But like everyone has said keep your chin up and maintain your good attitude and you and Christy will find a way through this.



New User
The good ol boy network is something that is just unavoidable in life. But in this case it will work out best for you in the long run. It probably doesn't feel that way right now, but it will lead to something better. Believe me it will.

Keep your chin up. Things like this stuff today drive folks like us to better ourselves. Talk things over with LOYL and if you decide you are mobile let us know. We can try to help network a little for you. Just be sure you want to move before you put your name out. It's not for everyone.



New User
Trent, i understand it is tough to deal with this disheartening news and totally disgusting to a 'man' that he must tell his wife he no longer can really provide for her in the manner in which his own heart desires to. All because of the loss of employment.

Wow! the sad thing Trent, is this heinous economic crisis has affected so many people in such horrific ways. You aren't in the boat alone. I understand completely that my saying that doesn't help the situation and it certainly doesn't create what you need most, MONEY. However the consolidation of comments and replies to your posting does give you somewhat of an inspirational network.

In reference to the good ol' boy "promotion" over others..Huh.."Been down that road a time or two." I know bro it sucks. I was working for a well paid police agency when a Lieutenant discovered unbeknowst to me that i was attempting to obtain employment as a sheriff's deputy. Upon his discovery of such, he used another officer and the two of them conspired against me to build a case for my dismissal. I believe the Lieutenant had a buddy that he was trying to sneak in the backdoor of the dept. to assist him in gaining employment there at the agency due to his jobloss in this crisis.

I was brought in before the "Sanhedrin Council" - if you will - 6 subjects of the administration as they hurled their stones at me utilizing this entire false dismissal account. The rest is lengthy but what i am trying to say many of us have been affected by this 'time of survival' that we are in.

It's certainly a bleak season right now financially across our homeland and a tough one might i add. And it takes a survivalist to maintain during such trying times. But take for instance the life of the Great Alaska frontier or the Rocky Mountains as seen in the spring versus the winter time when all food has been depleted and the wildlife such as Elk, bison, coyotes and such survive when there literally is no food. And survive they do, and shortly afterwards the spring and all the life comes again, with diversities of food.

I know you are a survivalist and understand those principles because heck you have a bachelor's degree and one must be able to juggle amongst many facets and such when in school.

So this is just a season bro, and in that season sometimes we may just have to move to follow work just as the fowl of the air migrate to and fro between wintering grounds and summer feeding grounds. We are no different, it is sometimes with that change, that we understand we made one of the best decisions.

Plus take this time as depressing as it can make one, to attempt to fight through the depression and become creative. Use this time to pursue your dream like never before, maybe that is returning to school for your masters, working on that book you have always desired to write and publish, leaguing up in partnership business with that old friend from college and working on creating a new realm of work, whatever it may be...

I was unemployed after the episode before mentioned for approximately 15 months my man, finally a door opened that has allowed me to work and maintain my state law enforcement certification and have the ability to attend school at North Carolina State University to pursue one of my many dreams. Also during that time of unemployment i have begun working on a book that i would have never been able to compose working full time as before.

Furthermore, i wasn't receiving any unemployment monies during those 15 months because i was considered 'fired' from the above agency. How my wife and I paid all of our bills is unknown to me but we did. God simply provided for me some how or another. I worked my side business during this time harder than before and it provided a buffer for me.

As i look back i can only give credit to the Lord for bringing us through it and he will certainly be providing for you as well during this time.

Keep the faith and follow your heart.



New User
Sorry to hear of your misfortune. If this is the first tough time you've been thru, you will come to realize that it happens to almost everyone. If you've been thru it before, you have a better understanding of what to do.

I went thru difficult personal times as a teenager and difficult professional times in my mid forties. Now that I am 61 years old, I have the luxury of reflecting on how I handled things...what I did well and what I didn't do so well.

You are doing a good thing by talking about it openly. In my teenage years, I didn't do that and there were negative ramifications that took me years to shed. Don't dwell on the negatives of the with them effectively!!! Learn as much as you can from the event and focus on all the good things you are going to experience in your future.

One thing I did well was to have a general vision that I would be successful. I was aggressive and determined not to be held back. I found the book "Seven habits of highly effective people" by Stephen Covey to be a great asset.

I realize now that I am a better man, both personally and professionally, for having been thru difficult times. I know how to deal with the negative and focus on the future journey of discovering the meaning of the event.

So, take some time to feel down about your misfortune, but as quickly as you can begin to build your excitement for discovering all the good things your future holds. You control your destiny...take action and move forward!

In tough times, I always look on my book shelf for the title of Robert Shuler's book - "Tough times never last, but tough people do".



New User

Sorry to hear of your situation, but I may be able to help…

I’ve been in the restoration industry for over 24 years and own my own company. Although I specialize in recovery of technology (computer controls, telephone switches, hi-tech machinery, etc.), I network with almost everyone in the industry. If you’re not already on LinkedIn, sign-up and join some of the industry groups – they’re very active and always have job postings. If you can’t land something local (and don’t mind traveling), I can hook you up with my personal contacts at the national/international firms. Email me and we’ll trade direct contact information and LinkedIn information.

Best wishes,

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
To Chris and Evans,

Thanks very much for sharing your stories. I'm actually pretty familiar with this as this is the third time I've been laid off. Not bad for a 30 year old huh? :roll: Nothing like starting your career journey during tough times..... Still, your stories are very inspiring and give me a lot of hope. Thank you so much for sharing. :eek:ccasion1

To everyone else, thank you so much for your responses and pms. Please keep them coming. :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:


Corporate Member
Mojo sent, Trant. Never been a boss, but I can honestly say I would not hire friends or family.

Travis Porter

Corporate Member
I feel for you, but as others have said, sometimes you have to break an egg to make an omelet. It will get better. The key is to start planning what you are going to do and doing it, not sitting around and thinking about it. The Triangle isn't a bad place, and if that is what you want to do, time to find a job and place to live.

Good luck and mojo to you whatever you decide.

I had to lay off an employee before Christmas...... It was not pleasant, and I hated every minute of it. I still think about it..... It wasn't my first time doing it, but it never gets any easier.


New User
Dude I am sorry to hear about this. I hate that this happened to you. I know you will land on your feet. I will check with a couple of friends down in ILM to see if they know of anything at all. If you decide to head to the Charlotte area let me know. I know you said you are headed to the triangle but know that you have friends in this area as well. If you do move let me know and I can come down and help if need be.


Had this happen to me last July. 1st time I've ever been unemployed in my life (when I didn't want to be). Thank God for unemployment insurance (1st time for this to). All you can do is start looking, its a tough job market out there but something will open. I've also thought of packing up and going as the Mooresville area is pretty expensive to live in. But have found in my research that most area have the same problems we do here in NC. You know the grass is always greener except when its brown. So keep youir chin up...


New User
Dang bro ......that's bone in the throat fer shure :wsad: I seem to remember however, a time in the not-so-distant past when it also seemed the deck was stacked against you. You kept a stiff upper lip, embraced the help and support of folks from here and others in your life , moved forward and it all came back around. I respected the heck out of that and no one was more thrilled than me when things went your way again.
Another set back , another challenge and lucky you , you don't have to face this one alone :wink_smil
It's so easy to assume the fetal position and blame the world but I don't think you're wired that way and I already see you responding to other posts and not caught up in the " poor me " :icon_thum
You got what it takes bro .....Christy is a lucky lady and you won't let the wolves past the door I am sure of that !
I haven't much to offer from so far away but whatever I have is yours as long as you're not too proud to ask :mrgreen: Even if it's nothing more than someone to fuss at to clear your system :icon_thum

Love and strength to ya bro .....keep your chin up and your head held high and remember that life can often be one big roller coaster and nothin, I mean nothin lasts forever ...even the good stuff. The wheel turns and we ride , sometimes ya just gotta cinch the seat belt a little tighter is all :gar-La;

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
Thanks so much for the kind words everyone. Robert, thanks so much bro. Ironically, as soon as I got laid off, I thought about my post from the last time this happened and how helpful and supportive everyone was here. Well, yet again you all have come through and I can't thank you enough. :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

We just spent all afternoon cleaning the house and the landlord is going to start looking for new tenants. We'll be moving out at the end of February and heading to Raleigh with a lot of hope and prayers. After Christy moved down here, I really missed being up there, mostly because of you all. It was so fun going to hangout with you guys, whether it was the shop crawl, the picnic, helping Scott get his shop together, or going over to DaveO's to turn a bowl and have a beer. I'm really looking forward to being back there, for hopefully a better career opportunity, more reasonable cost of living and to be closer to a lot of my friends from here. Thanks so much for your support. Hope to be seeing some of you soon. :eek:ccasion1


New User
Trent, if you need help moving you know I have a van & trailer and can get it to Wilmington in about 2 hours...after all it has been there once already,

Just give me a few days notice.

I'm sure there are others here who will help as well. I can drag 5 more down with me in the van...and if we stack 'em like cordwood about 20 more in the trailer! :gar-Bi


New User

That just sucks, but as others have said you'll get through it. I'm willing to bet you'll find the move to Raleigh will help, good luck. If there's anything we can do to help, don't hesitate to ask.

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason

Man, that's irony right there. You bring the TS down here, then a few months later I move up there. :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead: Oh well, there was certainly no way of forseeing this would happen. :no: Thanks so much for offering to help. :embaresse I would say that we don't have that much stuff, but since I moved all of my tools into the spare bedroom, I now feel that we have A LOT of stuff. :gar-La; I think that we're gonna need a 24' box truck to get it all, but we'll get it. If anything, a hand moving in once we're in Raleigh would be nice. With a handful of helpers, we could make short work out of that. I'll post a thread about that when the time comes. For right now, we're very happy to be going to a better place. :rolleyes:


I'm taking it pretty well, given the circumstances. We were planning on moving to Raleigh anyway in a few months, when our lease ran out, but this just sped it up a little bit. On a side note, I'll be in Charlotte a few times during the next few weeks doing some work on my folks' house, so it'd be cool to get up. :eek:ccasion1

Thanks so much fellas.
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