Tough day

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Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
For the past fifteen months, I have worked like a slave for my company, yet I did not complain. Fifteen months with no increase in pay and the same hard work day in and day out. This morning, I walked in the door and sat down. My boss, who is one of my best friends, with tears in his eyes, had to tell me that I was being laid off.

My wife's phone is off while she is working this morning so I haven't even been able to tell her yet. I kept it together well while I was at the office and I just came home to prepare the spare bedroom to house all of my tools. When I walked in the door I lost it. To have to tell my wife that our main source of income is gone, along with our health insurance is going to be the first difficult thing I've had to do since being married.

My first challenge is going to be to get a car as we only have one right now. After that, we're probably going to look at relocating to the triangle area as there simply aren't that many opportunities for us here. So please keep your eyes and ears out for us and any thoughts/prayers are greatly appreciated.

Thanks again everyone for always being there. You all are the best. :notworthy:


New User
Sorry to hear of this Trent. Things WILL turn around and you'll be back on your feet before you know it. Keep a positive attitude and put your best foot forward.

What do you do, or what do you want to do? Maybe someone out here can offer you a lead.


Corporate Member
Sorry to hear this Trent!
How about posting a quick summary of what your qualifications are, what you've done and what you want to do. With >4000 people in this network there's bound to be a few of us that have or know of a door open somewhere.


New User

Sorry to hear this. It's tough right now, but keep your head up. If you are looking down you might miss the one opportunity that is out there. :thumbs_up This is also the best time to plan a change if there is something that you always wanted to do.

Best of luck,

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
Thanks fellas. :notworthy:

I am/was a Water Mitigation Manager at a restoration company (Fire/Water damage, etc). But that job description is a lose one. I did everything from demolition to carpentry, of course mitigation, and also punch list items.

My previous job was the Marketing Manager for another restoration company. I marketed to insurance adjusters, property management companies, hotels, apartments, etc.

In addition to that, I've worked in almost every area of hotels. Front desk, bellstand, maintenance, spa.

None of these really go with my degrees which are Bachelors in Finance and Marketing from UNCW. :gar-La;

I would be interested in anything that is related to my past experience and skills. I'm not interested in commission only positions.

Thanks so much!
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Corporate Member
Wishing you all of the best there, Trent.

You are still young, energetic and obviously a one who is not afraid of hard work. You will no doubt land something way better and be thankful in the long run!

We are pullin' for you, buddy!:icon_thum

Keep the chin up!


Tar Heel

New User
Trent, I am really sorry to hear this. Here's hoping you land on your feet quickly. That bandsaw degree in finance and marketing had me puzzled for a minute until I realized that the software changed the letters you used into the word bandsaw. So, you've got a B S in finance and marketing. Good luck on the job search.


New User
Jim Campbell
Dang nabbit. Sorry you are in this position.

Somehow, I can't fathom how the economy has reduced the amount of water damage on the coast, but what do I know....

You got lots of friends here, and call upon us for anything you need.

If you want to move to the Triangle, that might give us one of the more impressive Pony Express runs ever!



New User
Scott Smith
Trent, I am really sorry to hear about your plight. Know that you are in the same boat with thousands of other good folks.

Keep in mind that you were not dismissed because you're a bad person - you lost your job simply because your employer does not have enough work.

Keep your chin up - you're one of the good ones and will land on your feet.



New User

I have been unemployed since last Memorial Day so I know the feeling. Anything I can do to help, let me know. I'm over by Corning (Hunters Trail is across from their parking lot entrance).


edit: PM for phone number!
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New User
So sorry to hear this. Many of us have been there and feel your pain. Hopefully this will lead to bigger and better things for you guys. A positive ATTITUDE is paramount during this transition though sometimes difficult to muster. I know you have access to business related networks but there are also a few large related companies in the Charlotte market too.

Best of luck!

Mt. Gomer

New User

I am so sorry to hear about this. I've been on the receiving end of a layoff and it's something I wouldn't wish on anyone. I'm in Durham... let me know if there's anything I can do, especially if you're coming this way.

Prayers going out to you and yours.



Staff member
Corporate Member
Having been a business owner myself for a few years, I can say the most difficult task of all is to let someone go that you feel is an asset to your business because you have nothing for them to do. I'm sure your former boss feels more like a failure than you believe you are right now & he probably won't sleep any better than you the next few nights. It's a compliment to you that it upset him to let you go. I've had to let people go in the past when I actually slept BETTER after they were gone. I don't believe this is the case here.
Just remember, it's not how many times you fall, everybody does that. It's how many times you get up - and how fast. :thumbs_up:thumbs_up


Corporate Member
Sorry to hear about the job loss, Trent.

Unfortunately, you have joined a large group that is getting larger daily. As mentioned, don't let this affect your spirit. Keep your head up so you can see any opportunity that may present itself.

If you do decide to relocate, you know your NCWWer buddies will lend a hand.:icon_thum
I have a 5x10 trailer and a SUV that knows the way from Wilmington to the triangle:gar-Bi. Been there, done that...

Good luck,


New User
Trent, hang in there! Be careful about taking just any job. I thought I'd try something different when I was laid off and that just managed to cancel my unemployment! Take your time and find something that is worth while. I know that is easier said than done, especially in this economy.

I wish you all the best in finding something quickly that you enjoy!


Phil Ashley
Corporate Member
hate to hear this.

unfortunately it's very common these days.

on a brighter not apparently you can save up to 40% of rain boots at today.:gar-Bi


Staff member
Corporate Member
Trent, I am so sorry to hear the news. It is OK to hurt. Your wife will understand. Tomorrow is a new day. Just focus on all your tomorrows and you will pull through.


New User
I sorry to hear the bad news Trent. I don't know you all that well, but what little I do know tells me you'll be just fine. Where one door closes, another will soon open. Keep your faith and don't let this break your stride. Work is pretty bad here as well, my wife just got laid off due to her daycare closing/going bankrupt. We'll be ok, but I've been here with her though her trials as today is her last day, there are more ahead. Remember the hotter the fire, the purer the gold! I'm sure you'll miss your job, but will love the next just as much if not more. Keep your head up friend!:icon_thum
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