Simple Shop Improvement: Shop Boxes

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New User
Got this plan/idea from Woodworking Magazine a short while ago. Actually, I more less passed over the article at first ... then Mike (Shamrock) built a set and I saw them in person. I really liked the idea and thought they might work good instead of basic saw horses I have.

They are "shop boxes". Nothing fancy. Poplar boards butt jointed and secured with pocket holes/screws and some glue. Mine is then topped with MDF (though Ply or solid wood would work fine too) and screwed down. The magazine actually calls for two ibeams to get full use of the system, but I don't have enough sheet goods to do that today.

So, I duct out of the office early today and wrapped these up. As you can tell, my daughter is already enjoying having them around! :wink_smil




Administrator , Forum Moderator
OK, no fair posting the too cute pic of the daughter on the shop box. You have all of us at a dis-advantage. :swoon:


Staff member
Corporate Member
Good idea. Did you make them to stack to specific heights for outfeeds & such?


New User
Good idea. Did you make them to stack to specific heights for outfeeds & such?

They are designed at specific dimensions for certain uses. Here is also a link where you can read the article & download the cut list free:

From that site: The sizes were chosen to provide a stable platform at various heights, whether the horses are used individually or in pairs. Here are just a few of the ways I have used the horses:
- 30" high – temporary stand for chop saw
- 22" high – horse for hand sawing
- 22" high – stand for benchtop planer
- 30" high (plus beams) – a bench that’s roughly kitchen-counter height
- 22" high (plus beams) – an assembly table roughly dining-table height
- 16" high (plus beams) – low assembly table for furniture or cabinets
- 16" or 22" high (plus beams) – bench for rough-cutting sheet goods with circular saw
- Beams alone can be used to make a level platform on the floor for cabinets or furniture
- When working on small pieces, like a carving, I can sit on one horse at 22" high and clamp my work on a second horse at 30".

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