Running for the BoD

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Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
Mods and Admins:

As I mentioned during our group teleconference, you along with the BoD represent some of the most engaged individuals with regard to thealth and welfare of NCWW. I am grateful for your passion and support of our organization. I hope that you took my statement that future BoD members are very likely to come from this group. Having said that I urge you to run for the BoD.

Scott Smith will not be running for another term. That means that even if all of the remaining BoD members run we still need a seventh member. I have decided to run for the BoD one last time (to serve a one year term). I do NOT know if all the remaining 5 members are running, but some definitely are. That does not mean we will win seats on the BoD.

Strong interest in serving in the leadership positions is a sign of a healthy organization. Please consider running. I am here to answer any questions you have.

BTW: Candidates run for the BoD, not a particular position. The top 7 vote getters will then meet to determine who hold which position.

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