New Guy Intro

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New User
My name is Ryan Combs and I am pleased to be a new member here. I discovered ya'll after posting a request on Craigalist for someone to help me sharpen some woodturning chisels. About six people responded to my request by suggesting that I join here. Glad I did! By the way, Bob Beck (of Beck's Cutlery) ended up sharpening the chisels for me. Someday I'll have a wet grinder...sigh!

I started woodworking about two years ago and have a love/hate relationship with it! When I turned 39 I realized I did'nt have any "personal time" hobbies that I really enjoyed. I am a family guy...but as my 6 year old little boy becomes a little more independant, I wanted someting to do in the brief 45 minute snatches of time I could occasionally steal away. I had a garage for the first time in my life, so...what the heck!

The spacial relations skills needed for woodworking hurts my head...but I am slowly getting better at it. While I am a beginner (and laid off of work again - twice in three years) I build mostly out of found materials. I have made some pretty strange cabinets and shelves out of discarded cabinet doors. The kinda stuff you don't bring into the house - teaching myself basic joinery.

For the holidays I decided I wanted to make pens instead of buying gifts...and I found an incredible deal on a Turncrafter lathe on Craigslist. Came with chisels and everything (except a screw-on face-plate thingy. I'll be asking about that on the forum later!). I like turning...because for a beginner it is much easier to make something that looks decent. I will post some pictures of my pens when I figure out how.

Thanks for having me in the community!


Mt. Gomer

New User
Welcome Ryan! I figured I wouldn't be the only one on CL pointing you this direction! Glad to have you!!!



Corporate Member
:eusa_dancWelcome to the site, Ryan! (from a fellow Cary-ite.):eusa_danc

Glad see you join. Plenty of very helpful folks around, always willing to provide a helping hand.

Never seen a Pencrafter machine in action. Once you have practiced with it a bit we would like to see or read a review of it.

You are right. One can get some instant gratification through pen turning and recipients always seem to be amazed with the outcome.:gar-Bi

If you are ever in need of woodworking help, please don't hesitate to give us a shout!

Happy woodworking!



Welcome to the site, Ryan.

I have only been here for a few weeks myself, but I can tell you, this place is great!


Board of Directors, Vice President
Welcome aboard! The Turcrafter is from Penn State, aka PSI. I have the Excelsior, which is the Rockler store brand from the same casting. Finding a faceplate will be really easy; it is a standard 1"-8TPI spindle, probably the most common on the planet.


New User


New User
Welcome Ryan, I am glad you could join us. I look forward to your input in the forums.
See you around!!!



Welcome to the best virtual sawdust pile in the Universe, Ryan. Happy you found us and know you'll enjoy the participation.

Ray Martin

New User
Hi Ryan,

Welcome to our NCWW pile-o-sawdust. Always good to welcome another woodworker to the group. As some of the others mentioned in their replies, do share some photos of your work with us. We're interested in what you are doing, and we steal ideas from one another too.


Staff member
Corporate Member
Welcome Ryan from another fellow Cary resident. I think I have an extra face plate that will fit your lathe. Stop over sometime for the 30 second shop tour. BTW I do have a grinder and jigs if you need to do some more sharpening.
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