My $6 Custom Branding Iron

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Mt. Gomer

New User
Sounds like some of us need to get together and order so we can meet the minimum :widea:

........if we can figure out the software :mrgreen:

I'm in if it happens but I'll need major assistance with the drawing (like someone to do it for me....). I'd be willing to pay for someone's branding iron in exchange for design services....


Board of Directors, Vice President
I think it won't be that bad. I am just missing a couple of basic things in understanding Blender and posted to a forum for help on those. Extrusion is pretty easy if you have a 2 color picture or just want text. I just need to do the reverse thing, add the backing and get the size right. I expect I will figure that out tonight. If so, we can probably get to $25 with 3 brands using Alex' more complex one as a sample of price.

James Davis

New User
James Davis
I too am interested if there is enough interest.

Alex, would you be interested in doing the drawing work?



Corporate Member
Andy, don't worry about reversing the text, just make the normal front of the letters the back of your stamp. Is that clear as mud?

Alex Franke

New User
Yeah, let me see if I can come up with an easy and time/cost effective way to do this. If I use a set of standard-sized foundations, then it might be easier for me/you to produce them, but they will require a bit more material (e.g. slightly higher price).

I also haven't tried blender in a while so I'll need to see if it's easy to combine the design and the foundation in that application, and export it in the appropriate file format for printing.

Would 1" x 1/4" be a good standard size? And maybe 1/2" square or 3/4" square?

It's important to note that lines narrower than 1mm or so may not print well. I'll measure the narrow lines on mine and see if I can get a good idea of a minimum line width.

@sawduster -- If you can input your graphics with a graphics pad into an application like Inkscape (also free), then you should be able to convert that into a usable drawing to make a branding iron. Get the design into Inkscape, then start at Step #2 of the Tutorial on my blog site.


New User
This is cool. I'm working on my "Cat Butler Woodcrafts" logo. The site says stainless can get pretty detailed, so we will have to see.


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
I'm in if it happens but I'll need major assistance with the drawing (like someone to do it for me....). I'd be willing to pay for someone's branding iron in exchange for design services....
Me too. I'd love to get a small branding iron with just two initials like the "AF" one. Most branding irons are so large they're only suitable for casework, not smaller items like boxes. More than happy to pay for someone's time/ effort here.


Board of Directors, Vice President
Andy, don't worry about reversing the text, just make the normal front of the letters the back of your stamp. Is that clear as mud?

Actually, I think there is slightly more to it, though Alex may correct me. I think you want a slight bevel at the top (bottom? :icon_scra) of the letters rather than a sharp corner on a brand.

Alex Franke

New User
Okay, I don't see a better way to do this, so anyone that is interested in doing this, please PM me with your email address. I'll set up a group somewhere or just an email list so I can start collecting designs, keep you all updated on how we can make this work, and coordinate an order if we can get it all worked out.

(I'll keep track of how much time it all takes so I can figure out how crazy :tinysmile_tongue_t: I am when it's all said and done. ;) )


New User
Okay, I don't see a better way to do this, so anyone that is interested in doing this, please PM me with your email address. I'll set up a group somewhere or just an email list so I can start collecting designs, keep you all updated on how we can make this work, and coordinate an order if we can get it all worked out.

(I'll keep track of how much time it all takes so I can figure out how crazy :tinysmile_tongue_t: I am when it's all said and done. ;) )

Your place in Valhalla is secured my friend :notworthy: I, for one ,intend to make this worth your while somehow .......'tis a noble thing you endeavor to accomplish sir :mrgreen:

PM sent :icon_thum

Alex Franke

New User
Okay everyone, I started a Google Group that we can use to work out all the details. You can join the group from this link:

We still have a bunch of things we need to work out, and frankly I don't even know how many I'll be able to help with or how often I'll be able to help, but I think it would be really cool if we could collectively save hundreds of dollars doing something like this! :)


Corporate Member
I'll try to help out as possible too Alex. I think the group is a good place to keep it all organized.


New User
Hey, Andy. I didn't read through this thread 'til today. Google Sketchup is IDEAL for extrusions, which is all this is. It has a "3D Text" tool that makes it even easier. I barely know how to use it, and I created this in about 15 minutes.

This was just proof-of-concept... wasn't sized precisely and I didn't bother trying to ease or chamfer the edges of the lettering. It can probably be done... just didn't look into it.


I exported to dxf, using a Sketchup plugin I already had found here. And brought into a CAD program to check it (exported from there to jpg for viewing here):


I was thinking for shorter brands, it would be nice just to shape the cylindrical fitting to fit around the end of a soldering iron. Longer ones, like this one, might not heat evenly... or maybe it would.

[edit] I just read the Shapeways site. They accept STL, VRML2/97, COLLADA or X3D files. Google 7.1 exports COLLADA (.dae) files. The exporter plugin mentioned above does .stl.

Just noted there are some gotchas with Sketchup and 3D printing... here's a brief tutorial:


Board of Directors, Vice President
Thanks Mike. I thought about sketchup, but the asterisk on the listing at shapeways dimmed my enthusiasm. Alex did one for me he posted out on the Google group he started :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap.


New User
I've had several false starts on mine with blender and inkscape. I never seem to get what I want. It's funny that I've had more success with Sketchup than anything else and I think its the more difficult tool to use.


New User
Ditto to Bas' comments. I'd love to get in on this but the software and design is all over my head. Any chance someone could coordinate this at the picnic next week?


Board of Directors, Vice President
I've had several false starts on mine with blender and inkscape. I never seem to get what I want. It's funny that I've had more success with Sketchup than anything else and I think its the more difficult tool to use.

I find SketchUp easier to use but the potential issues with it noted at the ShapeWays site scared me away from using it. I am not particularly skilled in technical drawing using any package in 2D or 3D though. I am not using any of them right now; I am a founding member of the Alex Franke fan club:notworthy:.


Corporate Member

Join the Google Group Alex started and we'll try to help you out. I'm working on a few designs for a couple of people now, I'd be more than happy to throw your name in the till.

Alex Franke

New User
I'm closing the group off to new members until we work through this first order cycle. I think we have enough group members at this time to test it out. If you're still interested, just keep an eye on this thread for details. Thanks for everyone's interest so far! :)
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