Just a couple of simple bowls

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Tar Heel

New User
There's nothing special about these rather ordinary looking bowls but I thought I would post them anyway. The walnut bowl is from a small piece of walnut that Gary (NC Turner) gave me. It was almost as tall as it was wide. The final dimensions of the bowl are 4 5/8 x 3 1/4. I call it my sunrise bowl due to the sapwood. Thanks Gary for the walnut and also for that piece of maple ambrosia burl you gave me. I'm leaving in a few minutes for my turning class with the Wallace brothers and will get Bill's opinion as what to do with it.

The cherry bowl was turned from a piece of cherry that someone had on the pay-it-forward table at last year's picnic. I don't know who placed it there but the letters "N.E. and the date 11-07" were written on it. So thanks to whoever it was. If you see this, how about letting me know who you are.






Corporate Member
Beautiful bowls, Stuart! Looks like you've mastered bowl making. :eusa_clap

Robert Arrowood

New User
Robert Arrowood
Nice looking bowls there Stuart.Man I like the walnut:icon_thum.I've got a nice piece I dug out of a friends burn pile:eek:.Yep burn pile.I've got to make it a point to go by there more often.He also burns ambrosa maple:cry_smile.


Corporate Member
Nice bowls, Stuart!!!!:eusa_danc:eusa_danc:eusa_danc:eusa_danc:eusa_danc

(I really like your photo taken outside like that. Gives a really nice color definition in natural light!)



New User
Stuart you got talents I never realized...cat herding, BBQ organizing and feed bowl turnin'. Great looking bowls.
I would suggest working on your outside curve and getting it to flow more from the bottom to the rim. Kinda like you started in the second one. But bowl turning is art, and they will all be attractive and serve the function intended. To sit on a shelf and collect dust with occasionally being bragged about when friends come to visit.


Tar Heel

New User
Stuart you got talents I never realized...cat herding, BBQ organizing and feed bowl turnin'. Great looking bowls.
I would suggest working on your outside curve and getting it to flow more from the bottom to the rim. Kinda like you started in the second one. But bowl turning is art, and they will all be attractive and serve the function intended. To sit on a shelf and collect dust with occasionally being bragged about when friends come to visit.


I was somewhat limited on the shape on the walnut bowl since the bowl blank was almost as high as it was wide. To get the curve, such as the one in the cherry bowl, I would have really turned away a lot of the height. I decided to have as much of the walnut in the bowl as I could and deliberately go with a less traditional look.


Corporate Member
Looking good there Stuart.

I got that Walnut along with some nice thick Cherry in Asheville, while on a trip LOML planned. Boy was she ticked when I left her in the car with the dog for 45 min to get a tour of the Sawyers pool house built out of lumber he milled, and spend a bunch of time looking around the mill for thick AD stock. This stuff was ancient a fully dried. Beautiful Mantle slabs that he happily cut off 2' sections for me. $2.00 BF


New User
I was somewhat limited on the shape on the walnut bowl since the bowl blank was almost as high as it was wide. To get the curve, such as the one in the cherry bowl, I would have really turned away a lot of the height. I decided to have as much of the walnut in the bowl as I could and deliberately go with a less traditional look.

A wise man, Big Mike told me once that a bowl is not defined by the wood that is left, but the wood that is taken away. I learned a lot about form from him.


Corporate Member
Nice job on those two bowls Stuart! :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap

Free wood makes them even more beautiful. :mrgreen:
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