I'm in a unique position, that I make a living using my hands and brains (I'm self employed.) If I had any brains, I would be working for someone else. Just today, a client told me I wouldn't get paid for a while, as they were short on funds right now. So now I'm short on funds. But when I do make some money, I squander it on things like insurance, power bill, property taxes, medical expenses, food, etc. Because I use my tools to make a living, I do get to buy tools regularly (eat your heart out!) LOML now understands that certain things have to be bought, and in duplicate. That is in case one fails, we are still able to finish the job. Once my FIL told me I was the only person who had a saw for each end of the board. I reminded him how much time ($$$$$) I saved not having to constantly walk to the other end of the board to get the saw. Back in 1984, I went to Sears one day and bought a table saw, band saw, radial arm saw, and drill press, for a total of about $1300. In the next week, we made enough styrafoam letters to pay for all those tools. Then we paid for a Buick making these letters. I'm known as the guy who has two of everything, including wives:rotflm:. (I was married to my son's mother before I met my wife (32+ years now), so I have had two wives.)