How often do you drain your Air-Compressor?

How often do you drain your Compressor

  • After each use

    Votes: 22 37.3%
  • Weekly

    Votes: 6 10.2%
  • Every other week

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Monthly

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • It has a drain??????

    Votes: 10 16.9%
  • When It Sprays Water

    Votes: 4 6.8%

  • Total voters
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New User
I drain after each use when I'm coiling the hose up. didn't know about the air needing to cool down, but I think mine does okay because it doesn't cycle a lot.


New User
I ran some tubing from the drain up the side of the compressor to a ball valve. The valve and the one which turns on the air to the shop are side by side. I just leave the compressor on all the time and cut the valve off and on. I routed more tubing from the drain ball valve through the outside wall. Every time I turn the air on I open the drain valve and the water blasts outside. Only takes a couple seconds. If I had to reach underneath, the sucker would probably be half full by now. :embaresse



I use the method shown by ncturner in link 1. A ball valve, been on my 60 gal compressor for over six years and still works perfect. All water drains downhill into the the galvinized pipe.
This is a job not to be ignored!!
A story
A buddy from work borrowed a compressor (20 gallon tank). It was in his garge with the door closed. He went into the home for a minute when the tank blew!! Blew the garage door off its tracks and into the street, did structural damage to his home. His dog was in the gagare and went completly nuts (his words were "wacky"). Took the dog to a vet and had to have it put down
Needless to say not wanting to be put down one day by my better half, I drain the tank :wink_smilevery morn when I head in the shop, only takes a sec to open the ball valve to drain.

Mt. Gomer

New User
I really appreciate all the great info. In my case the air-compressor is not something that gets regular use, it's more of a "there when I need it" situation. I think for my situation doing a quick drain when Before/after use (once I replace the petcock with an easier to use valve) will probably do it for me. It makes a lot of sense that the frequency of draining should be related to the frequencey that the AC cycles. Very logical once you think about it.

Thanks again!


Mt. Gomer

New User
Wow, $25! That's an awesome deal. I'd say, from what I gathered above, that yeah, you're due for a drain (should be a small valve on the bottom of the tank). My plan, based on the above thread is to leave the tank charged (but with the power off as I don't use it that often and don't need it cycling as it slowly bleeds down over time) and do a quick drain before I use it and after it cycles and cools off (every time it brings in fresh air and cools off the new moisture will condense in the tank). For me that will probably result in draining once or twice a month (maybe more for my smaller garage AC).



New User
I drain my from time to time. but, if I see any moisture while using a tool, I drain then. good compressor tanks are painted on the inside with paint that prevents rust so the only reason to drain is to keep moisture off of the work.


New User
Scott Smith
A story
A buddy from work borrowed a compressor (20 gallon tank). It was in his garge with the door closed. He went into the home for a minute when the tank blew!! Blew the garage door off its tracks and into the street, did structural damage to his home. His dog was in the gagare and went completly nuts (his words were "wacky"). Took the dog to a vet and had to have it put down
Needless to say not wanting to be put down one day by my better half, I drain the tank :wink_smilevery morn when I head in the shop, only takes a sec to open the ball valve to drain.

Re: "A story", I think that your buddy indeed told you a "story"... in this case a fairy tale.

What you described is not possible under the laws of physics (at least from a 20 gallon tank), unless it was full of an explosive gas.

Mt. Gomer

New User
Replaced the petcock with a new ball valve in an easy to reach location this evening after the fam went to bed. Very worthwile evening shop project...


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My buddy could have been telling a story about his compressor .
If he was telling a story about his garage door, I bought it hook line and sinker....
But then stories, like caught fish do grow after a couple of beers...
I did a google search on compressor explosions, and I believe it could happen, one compressor explosion knocked a hole in a block wall. Not a high pressure bottle but an air compressor.


New User
Scott Smith
My buddy could have been telling a story about his compressor .
If he was telling a story about his garage door, I bought it hook line and sinker....
But then stories, like caught fish do grow after a couple of beers...
I did a google search on compressor explosions, and I believe it could happen, one compressor explosion knocked a hole in a block wall. Not a high pressure bottle but an air compressor.

I know what you mean about stories and fish, especially when brewski's are involved! No harm, no foul.
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