HF Parking Lot Sale June 10,11,& 12

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Mike Camp

New User
I am back and forth about upgrading my lousy DP with a slightly better one. I think I should wait for an older floor model for cheap or be willing to spend for a substantially bigger/better benchtop. If you have no DP, jump on the $40 one. Otherwise, think first. Just my opinion...

Thanks for the advice Andy. I agree if I was in your place I'd wait until you found a nice floor model for cheap. I have no DP right now and I think this little one will suit my basic needs until I can justify taking up more room with a larger model. I'm saving for a G0690 table saw so I'm trying to only purchase benchtop tools now, to keep the LOML thinking I have the space for the cabinet saw :)


Board of Directors, Vice President
As much as I would like to upgrade (mine is an old 3 speed of similar quality), I use the little DP as much or more than any other tool I have. Not more time wise, but it gets used at least once on nearly every project. Any DP will do what you need about 90% + of the time. And when it won't reach, you can usually use it and a chunk of hardwood to make a guide for a hand drill to do what it can't. When precision is required, start the hole with a punch. Yes, better DPs are nice and worth extra $, but IMO the usefullness of a cheap DP comes closer to good one than with most power tools.

BTW, I highly recommend the MicroPlane rotary shaper. I have both sizes and the follower kit. And of course a drum sander and...
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