Greensboro lunch bunch Thursday ?

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Bill Clemmons

Corporate Member
Anyone in the Triad up for lunch this Thursday (17th)? If so, how about the usual time and place: 11:30 at The Moose Cafe at the Farmer's Market in Greensboro.

Last month Judi and Steve (Flemminggourds) hosted us at their shop in Summerfield. Not only did we have a good time visiting, but we ate pretty darn good as well. But we didn't quite get around to discussing our next shop visit. This Thursday let's do that and see if we can make some plans.

If you're in the area this Thursday and can join us for lunch, we'd love to have you. This is a very informal group. Come one, come all.


Bryan S

One of these days I will make it to one of these, but I just can't get the stars to line up

Mike Davis

Corporate Member
This is in Greensboro?

That seems like a great location, I wonder why more people can't show up?

Would after work be better for you?

I know there are at least 30 people in the area within a 30 minute drive or less.

So, what about meeting around 5:30 - 6:00 pm next time?

Would that be easier for some of you who never come out?

Bryan S

The lunch time would work best for me. I work 2nd shift, and in Greensboro, so what's the problem? On top of my day job, I have had classes in the mornings 5 days a week for the last 2 semesters. It has been a pretty grueling schedule, getting home from class in time to grab a quick bite, change clothes, then off to work until after midnight.

We are out for spring break this week and I took a few days off from work, but the LOML's birthday is Thursday and I have made promises. I can picture that conversation now. "You mean your going to a lunch gathering instead of taking me to the beach" :qleft7: :qleft7:Especially being that they are calling for sunshine and temps in the 70's :nah:

Like I said the stars will line up one day and I will make one or more.

Mike Davis

Corporate Member
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to direct that towards you Bryan. I know you are in school and working full time.

But, like I said I know there are a lot more people that could meet each other and...

Oh well, what am I thinking...

It sure was fun working together with a dozen new friends this weekend. You know one of the guys rode 4 to 5 hours on a motorcycle (each way) to spend some time with us?

And others won't drive 20 minutes. :gar-Cr

I may have to move to Raleigh where people are more active. :rotflm: :rotflm: :rotflm: Like that would ever happen.


New User
I have a satellite install Thursday, so Cody and I can't make it this time. Hopefully catch the next one. Sorry Barbara, I won't be there with my camera. :gar-Bi



New User
Anyone in the Triad up for lunch this Thursday (17th)? If so, how about the usual time and place: 11:30 at The Moose Cafe at the Farmer's Market in Greensboro.

Last month Judi and Steve (Flemminggourds) hosted us at their shop in Summerfield. Not only did we have a good time visiting, but we ate pretty darn good as well. But we didn't quite get around to discussing our next shop visit. This Thursday let's do that and see if we can make some plans.

If you're in the area this Thursday and can join us for lunch, we'd love to have you. This is a very informal group. Come one, come all.

I'ld love to come to one but can't get there this week. Maybe next time.

Bill Clemmons

Corporate Member
Mary Ann and I will be there if it's not too late.

It's never too late, even if you just show up at the last minute. We usually get a table in the closed part, so we just add another chair, or pull up another table. The more the merrier. :icon_cheers

See y'all tomorrow.


Bill Clemmons

Corporate Member
We had 12 turn up for lunch today. Considering we were lucky to get three or four when we first started, 12 is a pretty darn good turnout. Someone took some pics so hopefully we can prove it actually happened.:gar-La;

We agreed to do another shop visit / dinner, so keep watching for a post announcing the time and place. Who knows, someday we might even get up to 15. :icon_cheers



Corporate Member
Nice seeing everyone today at lunch! Thanks for letting us join in. It's a shame we can't get together in person more often. A few pics were taken with Nick's phone/camera. We may have broken it.:gar-Bi


Chat Administartor
Ooops, I think I should have thanked Bill for organizing this event. Anyway, it was good to meet some fellow wood workers. Next time I'll try to be early.



New User
What a great group we had!

I always enjoy seeing my usual gang but to meet all the new folks was better than desert:eusa_danc
(well, almost:wink_smil)

I LOVE NCWW's :icon_cheers

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